Bitcoin rebounded for a week and was bullish for a week. Unexpectedly, these two big drops directly made the price of the currency return to the pre-liberation period overnight, which extinguished the hope of bulls in the short term! From the historical law, each halving will experience a correction and then a big rise. So this time, is the decline a real trend reversal or a wash? Let's wait and see.

From the current trend, the market fell below the triangle and tested the bottom of the box near 60,000 and quickly pulled up. This is what has been mentioned. The price will change the wash structure but will not affect the general trend. The daily line inserted the pin to the lower edge of the box and pulled back. The bottom demand is strong. If the daily line closes the shadow positive hammer line, in the short term, 60,000 has become the stage bottom. Next, it will fluctuate and rebound. Standing on the middle track of the daily line near 68,000 is a strong rebound, otherwise there is still a need to step back.

In the short term, it has experienced a three-stage decline, and the third stage has accelerated the decline in volume. This is a signal that the short-term supply has been exhausted, and it has experienced a natural rebound and secondary test. In the short term, there is a rebound demand above the secondary test low of 62100. Breaking through the natural rebound high of 65600 will continue the bulls.

In summary, the general trend of Bitcoin is bullish and unchanged. In the short term, it has changed from a triangle consolidation to a rectangular oscillation. Yesterday, it tested the previous low of 60000 and the performance of demand entry also verified the effectiveness of the bottom support of 60000-58000. At present, this idea is still maintained. In the short term, the range is 62000-65600, and a rebound can be seen above the secondary test low of 62000.

Operation suggestions for Monday morning:

Bitcoin: Short-term retracement around 62300-62800, more can be made, and the target is 64500-65600.

Ether: Just follow the synchronous thinking, lock the point, and take good defense!

Cognition is your wealth, choice is more important than hard work, and those who understand will understand!

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