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The importance of following the right team is like a lighthouse on the sea Good afternoon, everyone. I don’t know how your performance is now, but there must be losses. This is beyond doubt. Some people say that individual operations are flexible and convenient, and some people say that individual operations will do their best 100% of their experience There are definitely advantages, but there are also disadvantages, such as limited information, inability to choose better currencies, and impossibility of considering all aspects, etc. Of course, some people will refute that the team also has disadvantages, and this is also agreed, because there has never been anything 100% good, just like the currency circle, there is no permanent profit, this needs to be based on personal judgment We also have short orders for 70,500, and some friends have also taken them, so wasn’t yesterday’s market also fragrant? And the teams are different from each other. We can't do nothing, be inactive, and just ignore the team. After playing for so many years, intuition is also very important. Before the big drop, I felt very depressed and uncomfortable, as if something big was going to happen. When my partners asked me last night, I said that I felt that the market was going to go down at any time. I always felt uneasy, so I reduced my position and went short. It was proven in real time that it was true. Answer every question, solve the problem, stop profit at high point, stop loss in time, recommend good coins, fight as a team, and move forward courageously! +v: Z310ayamyg3291 #热门文章 #热门话题

The importance of following the right team is like a lighthouse on the sea

Good afternoon, everyone. I don’t know how your performance is now, but there must be losses. This is beyond doubt. Some people say that individual operations are flexible and convenient, and some people say that individual operations will do their best 100% of their experience

There are definitely advantages, but there are also disadvantages, such as limited information, inability to choose better currencies, and impossibility of considering all aspects, etc.

Of course, some people will refute that the team also has disadvantages, and this is also agreed, because there has never been anything 100% good, just like the currency circle, there is no permanent profit, this needs to be based on personal judgment

We also have short orders for 70,500, and some friends have also taken them, so wasn’t yesterday’s market also fragrant? And the teams are different from each other. We can't do nothing, be inactive, and just ignore the team.

After playing for so many years, intuition is also very important. Before the big drop, I felt very depressed and uncomfortable, as if something big was going to happen. When my partners asked me last night, I said that I felt that the market was going to go down at any time. I always felt uneasy, so I reduced my position and went short. It was proven in real time that it was true.

Answer every question, solve the problem, stop profit at high point, stop loss in time, recommend good coins, fight as a team, and move forward courageously!

+v: Z310ayamyg3291

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年轻人步入社会后,一定要知道的38条潜规则: 1、在钱面前,性是排在后面的,不要为了女人乱花钱。 2、玩牌的女人,失身多。 3、男人越软,越难交到女朋友。 4、女人为了发生关系,需要理由,男人为了发生关系,只要地点。 5、女人没魅力,就会说男人花心; 男人没实力,就会说女人现实。 6、任何关系,只要对方根本没考虑过你的感受和利益时,你就该及时止损了。 7、不管谁家有事,只要没通知你,那就一律装作不知道,事后也别追问。 8、与你翻脸的人,无论是亲戚还是朋友,永远回不到过去了。 9、人与人交往,就像是一场生意,能不能真诚往来,全凭你的筹码。 10、越在意别人看法的人,往往也活得越来越卑微,一步步毁了自己。 11、不要频繁发布朋友圈,总有人在暗中观察你,别不信。 12、不要高估自己在别人心中的地位,其实人家只是在需要你的时候,才会想到你。 13、当你学会拒绝别人,学会以牙还牙时,别人反而会尊重你,甚至敬畏你。 14、人人都是势利小人,人人都贪得无厌,因为这是人性本能。 15、当你出丑时,总会有一群猪在笑,然而不用害怕,毕竟谁都有出丑的时候。 16、学会闭嘴、心知肚明的事不要拆穿了、不要找异性诉苦、容易让人趁虚而入。 17、学会夸人、识人、让天下英才为己所用、切忌太过自我。 18、嘲笑别人可以,不要嘲笑别人喜欢的东西,因为我知道,这才是真正在打别人的脸。 19、在酒桌上与别人碰杯,自己的杯子一定要低于对方的,特别对方是长辈或领导。 20、与任何人的关系,你若想留住,就别把它看得太重。只要看得太重,就必然会失去。 21、嫁出去的女人,回娘家一定要带点东西,娘家的事少插手,因为你的身份已经转变成了客人。 22、男人没房,最先嫌弃你的人,是你对象的父母。 23、烟搭桥,酒铺路,关系带你,上高速; 成功三要素,缺一不可。 24、最高级的惩罚就是沉默,最矜持的报复就是无视。 少在烂事上纠缠,少为不值得的人生气,让自己活得高贵一点。 25、想要知道这个人值不值得你去交往,记住,你先去冷落他。 26、暗中布局,谋事先谋人。人通了事就好做了,一出手就是定局。 27、无论是面对谁,只要你不欠他的,就没有必要唯唯诺诺,强势一点,才能争得社交主动权。 28、世界上,没有人会关注你的过程,他们只会看结果,包括你的亲人。 29、不谈论不在场的人,你说出多少秘密,就有多少危险,在等着你。 30、突如其来的脾气,往往都是积攒了很久的委屈。 31、累坏你的往往不是工作,而是工作中遇到的人。 32、花钱一定要学会抠门,除非你家里有矿,不然没人会为你的大方买单。 33、别指望酒肉朋友在关键时刻帮助你,他们能够选择不置身事外,已经算是很有良心了。 34、做人,永远别高估与任何人的关系,也别低估人性逐利的规则。 35、做人做事就要留一手,保持价值,这样子才不会失业 36、朋友请吃饭,客不带客,这是礼貌。 37、偶遇的饭局,别人表现的再热情,也不要去参加。 38、退休后才会发现,什么同事、同学、朋友都是人生过客,最终都会全军覆没。 #热门文章

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