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Binance launches the 52nd project of new coin mining. A new mining project - OMNI is about to be launched. It not only indicates the potential value of BNB, but also marks Binance's continued deepening and expansion in the field of blockchain technology. As we all know, every time Binance launches a mining project, it is accompanied by a steady rise in the price of BNB. This OMNI mining project is no exception. We have reason to believe that BNB will usher in a new rising cycle, and its price will break through $1,000 in the near future. For users who have participated in mining for a long time, a year of hard work will bring at least twice the return on investment, which is undoubtedly the best reward for persistence and wisdom. This OMNI mining project will be carried out from 8:00 am on April 13, 2024 to 24:00 on April 16, for three days. During this period, users can participate in OMNI mining activities by staking BNB and FDUSD. This move not only provides users with generous mining rewards, but also promotes the further development and popularization of Omni Network on the Binance Launchpool platform. It is worth mentioning that Binance will be the first trading platform to list OMNI tokens. Trading will officially start at 12:00 (UTC) on April 17, 2024, when OMNI will be open for trading with multiple trading pairs such as BTC, USDT, BNB, FFDUSD and TRY. In addition, 52 projects have successfully settled in Binance Launchpool-OmniNetwork. These projects aim to integrate the Ethereum rollup ecosystem into a unified layer 1 blockchain and inject new vitality into the development of blockchain technology. It is expected that the relevant webpage will be launched within 5 hours before the start of the launch pool, so stay tuned. In the OMNI mining project, users can deposit BNB and FDUSD into the designated pool to obtain mining rewards for OMNI tokens. The specific reward mechanism is as follows: Launchpool will provide 3500000 0MNI as token rewards, accounting for 3.5% of the maximum supply of OMNI. The initial circulating supply will reach 10391492 0MNI, accounting for 10.39% of the maximum supply of tokens. This generous reward mechanism will undoubtedly stimulate users' enthusiasm for participation and promote the vigorous development of the OMNI mining project. In terms of smart contracts, the OMNI project will use Ethereum as the underlying technology to ensure the security and stability of transactions. At the same time, users participating in mining need to complete KYC certification to ensure compliance and security.In terms of staking terms, an hourly hard cap has been set for each user to ensure fairness and transparency in mining activities. To learn more, follow my pinned post. I have been working in the cryptocurrency industry for ten years and have in-depth insights into various issues. I am always welcome to discuss with you. #bnb金铲子 #omni #新币

Binance launches the 52nd project of new coin mining. A new mining project - OMNI is about to be launched.

It not only indicates the potential value of BNB, but also marks Binance's continued deepening and expansion in the field of blockchain technology.

As we all know, every time Binance launches a mining project, it is accompanied by a steady rise in the price of BNB. This OMNI mining project is no exception. We have reason to believe that BNB will usher in a new rising cycle, and its price will break through $1,000 in the near future. For users who have participated in mining for a long time, a year of hard work will bring at least twice the return on investment, which is undoubtedly the best reward for persistence and wisdom.

This OMNI mining project will be carried out from 8:00 am on April 13, 2024 to 24:00 on April 16, for three days. During this period, users can participate in OMNI mining activities by staking BNB and FDUSD. This move not only provides users with generous mining rewards, but also promotes the further development and popularization of Omni Network on the Binance Launchpool platform.

It is worth mentioning that Binance will be the first trading platform to list OMNI tokens. Trading will officially start at 12:00 (UTC) on April 17, 2024, when OMNI will be open for trading with multiple trading pairs such as BTC, USDT, BNB, FFDUSD and TRY.

In addition, 52 projects have successfully settled in Binance Launchpool-OmniNetwork. These projects aim to integrate the Ethereum rollup ecosystem into a unified layer 1 blockchain and inject new vitality into the development of blockchain technology. It is expected that the relevant webpage will be launched within 5 hours before the start of the launch pool, so stay tuned.

In the OMNI mining project, users can deposit BNB and FDUSD into the designated pool to obtain mining rewards for OMNI tokens. The specific reward mechanism is as follows: Launchpool will provide 3500000 0MNI as token rewards, accounting for 3.5% of the maximum supply of OMNI.

The initial circulating supply will reach 10391492 0MNI, accounting for 10.39% of the maximum supply of tokens. This generous reward mechanism will undoubtedly stimulate users' enthusiasm for participation and promote the vigorous development of the OMNI mining project.

In terms of smart contracts, the OMNI project will use Ethereum as the underlying technology to ensure the security and stability of transactions. At the same time, users participating in mining need to complete KYC certification to ensure compliance and security.In terms of staking terms, an hourly hard cap has been set for each user to ensure fairness and transparency in mining activities.

To learn more, follow my pinned post. I have been working in the cryptocurrency industry for ten years and have in-depth insights into various issues. I am always welcome to discuss with you.

#bnb金铲子 #omni #新币

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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看来以色列的反应跟我想的差不多。伊朗不只是做做样子,他们真的在用“疲兵”战术,通过舆论和随时可能动手的威胁,让以色列保持紧张。 以色列现在也在用同样的方法回应,虽然没有真的动手,但就是要让伊朗知道,他们随时都有可能动手。这就像是两边在阵前喊话,互相试探。 我还注意到,伊朗外交部的发言越来越有味道了,他们的学习能力真的强。现在局势很复杂,大毛已经跟伊朗联手了,他们的战斗机群都已经在伊朗的军事基地了。如果我们把俄乌和中东的局势放在一起看,就能看出一些端倪。以色列对加沙的行动,让俄乌的地缘局势变成了整体的“代理人”战争。 最近,因为中东的新闻,我们可能都忽略了俄乌之间的战争。现在二毛明显处于劣势,而美国的一个兵工厂也发生了爆炸。美国高官也说了,他们对二毛的支持只限于资金和弹药,不会直接参与防守。 现在美国必须做个选择才能控制局势,而尽快解决中东问题似乎是关键,因为这涉及到能源问题。在某些方面,美国也必须选择一个重点帮助。 昨晚,美国的数据修正又刺激了美元指数的上涨。我说过,在真正降息之前,美元指数必须要强硬,这样才能对降息后的下跌有个缓冲。这也说明美国已经在考虑尽快降息的问题了。 过去,对外战争或代理人战争是美国掠夺资源的重要方式,但现在他们掠夺失利了。如果不及时调整国内经济,美国可能会出问题。所以,我觉得在美国降息之前,以色列应该会被压制反击情绪,最多就是用嘴炮来还击。今天大宗商品的价格都在跌,看来风险市场也已经预期到现在的状态了。 #BTC趋势预估 #大盘走势 加密市场经历了412暴跌,山寨普遍回调50%-80%,很多粉丝资产减半,我也是深感悲痛与惋惜,接下来我会准备了一些适合抄底的币种,放在了我的回本计划中,迷路了就来寻路→《计划》
Shiba Inu销毁速率激增64,000%,SHIB价格暗示着反弹 据Shibburn数据显示,过去24小时内,Shiba Inu的销毁速率增长超过64,000%。仅在一天内,超过6.57亿个SHIB代币被销毁,使得总共销毁的SHIB代币达到了410,725,564,272,084个。 SHIB价格在日度尺度上上涨了6.83%,暗示着在上周末经历了大规模市场调整后即将迎来一次反弹。 正在走向复苏 从4月11日到13日,SHIB经历了三天的下跌,下跌幅度为26.71%,跌破了0.00002美元的支撑水平。尽管本月早些时候出现了一次复苏,但SHIB无法维持其涨幅,并在上周末走向了新低。 Shiba Inu最近显示出令人瞩目的增长,接近其主要竞争对手狗狗币的市值。然而,最近市场的下行趋势也影响到了Shiba Inu。截至目前,SHIB的链上信号仍然主要是熊市信号。 SHIB军团不会停止 最近的推文中,Lucie强调了Shiba Inu团队的一个主要目标是将Shibarium置于加密货币市场的前沿地位,无论外部因素如何,比如伙伴关系的动态等。“我们不会停止,”Lucie在推文中强调,突显了团队的坚定承诺。表达了对Shibarium团队目标的决心。 $SHIB $OP $BNB 大牛市考验不仅仅是行情的涨跌,更是对我们心态的考验。面对账户的变动,我们要保持冷静,理性分析。不要因为一时的亏损就急于卖出,也不要因为一时的盈利就盲目追高。 我在币圈摸爬滚打已有十载,对于各类问题都有深入的见解,欢迎查看置顶,随时欢迎与你交流探讨。
当Shiba Inu燃烧率在一天内增长48,554%时发生了什么 Shiba Inu的燃烧率上周随着这个梗币的价格下跌而下降。当日燃烧的代币数量急剧下降时,燃烧率受到了影响。 随着一周的结束,Shiba Inu的燃烧率急剧上升,这得益于项目的首席开发者。 Shibburn,作为Shiba Inu燃烧监控网站,报告称SHIB代币被发送到燃烧地址。燃烧8,776万枚代币燃烧率增长了48,554.74%。 有趣的是,只有两个钱包进行了代币的燃烧。钱包在周三将6190万代币送到了燃烧地址。发送了2585万SHIB代币的下一笔交易。 与前一天24小时内燃烧的18,0375枚代币相比,这是一个巨大的变化。由于这个可怕的数字,Shiba Inu的燃烧率下降了99.59%。 尽管过去一天内燃烧率激增,但与上周相比,燃烧率仍然很低。Shibburn报告称上周燃烧了2.7557亿代币,下降了4.63%。 燃烧率可能会因社区情绪或Shiba Inu团队燃烧代币而上升。当前的燃烧模式似乎是有机的,因此不是这些原因造成的。 这可能表明了Shiba Inu投资者态度的回暖,特别是关于SHIB代币的减少。通过减少供应,需求超过供应,推高了梗币的价格。 在燃烧交易后,SHIB的价格上涨了0.32%。比特币价格波动并倾向于下降,因此这种反弹可能是短暂的。 查看置顶这里只聚集着一群志同道合的伙伴,我们共同的目标,就是携手走向财富的巅峰。 #SHIB

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