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#比特币减半 is coming, $BTC returns to 70,000 US dollars, and $MEME copycat becomes the most profitable currency! In the past two days, Bitcoin has successfully returned to the $70,000 mark, which has triggered a surge in the value of Meme coins, making it the most profitable group in the field of altcoins. Although Meme coin lacks in practicality and is often questioned by the crypto community, its performance in the past week has been extremely impressive. The growth trend of speculative assets such as Meme coins has become a highlight in the crypto field in 2024, breaking many people's previous concerns that projects that lack actual progress will only be bubbles. However, although the market value of Meme coins such as Dogecoin ($DOGE ), Maga (TRUMP), ArbDoge AI (AIDOGE), SPX6900 (SPX), etc. has surged recently, this does not mean that their rise is about to end. Especially considering that the Bitcoin halving is coming in about eight days, which usually drives the value of BTC upward and thus the entire crypto market. I have also researched a lot of coins recently, and I have indeed discovered a few outstanding coins. I will share these coins with 3 to 10 times potential in my small circle. And as the Bitcoin halving approaches, many large altcoins are also expected to rebound in the next few months, forming a large-scale altcoin rally. #热门话题 If you have any favorites, please leave them in the comments section!

#比特币减半 is coming, $BTC returns to 70,000 US dollars, and $MEME copycat becomes the most profitable currency!

In the past two days, Bitcoin has successfully returned to the $70,000 mark, which has triggered a surge in the value of Meme coins, making it the most profitable group in the field of altcoins.

Although Meme coin lacks in practicality and is often questioned by the crypto community, its performance in the past week has been extremely impressive.

The growth trend of speculative assets such as Meme coins has become a highlight in the crypto field in 2024, breaking many people's previous concerns that projects that lack actual progress will only be bubbles.

However, although the market value of Meme coins such as Dogecoin ($DOGE ), Maga (TRUMP), ArbDoge AI (AIDOGE), SPX6900 (SPX), etc. has surged recently, this does not mean that their rise is about to end. Especially considering that the Bitcoin halving is coming in about eight days, which usually drives the value of BTC upward and thus the entire crypto market.

I have also researched a lot of coins recently, and I have indeed discovered a few outstanding coins. I will share these coins with 3 to 10 times potential in my small circle.

And as the Bitcoin halving approaches, many large altcoins are also expected to rebound in the next few months, forming a large-scale altcoin rally.


If you have any favorites, please leave them in the comments section!

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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炒币-如何控制回撤? 目前是阶梯式回调,破6万只是弹指间,那在下跌时能否合理有效的控制回撤,是交易之道能否大晋级的巨大门槛! 一提到“如何控制回撤”可能都会说:“多看少做”、“行情好时多做,行情不好时少做或者不做”、“学会空仓等待”等等,大家耳熟能详,但因为每个人的理解能力,执行能力,感悟能力,模式方法,追求方向等各不相同,大都最终由耳熟能详,变成了一个耳朵进,另一个耳朵出。 当最终真到这一步的时候,回头来看,前辈们说的都是真理,只是当时已惘然。 聊聊感悟(仅限超短方向) 1.断舍离。敢于斩断亏损! 今买明卖。解决对个币的执念。 不管你多看好的币,买入第二天不盈利的一刀剁掉。能坚持这一原则,那么大亏深套就不复存在了。如果买入次日收盘还是红的,账户亏的,是一定要砍的。更谨慎点的话,四小时收盘的时候就要考虑是否拔刀了。 可能你担心剁了后,后面又涨起来了,还有很多很多都涨起来了的案例。没错,这就是交易的一个诱惑,一个大陷阱!我们要做的,是保持交易的一致性,彻底控制亏损。 你的疑虑和担忧,正是阻拦你摆脱彻底控制亏损的绊脚石。“老乡,别走!” 当然高手都是看预期买卖了,在没到那一步之前,一定不能急于求成。没学会走,着急跑起来必然跌倒头破血流。走路熟练了,走的快了,自然就会跑了。 你靠的不是每一只币都要赚100%,而是做了100个币还能轻松月盈利10%。 2. 建立适合自己的交易模式,少做无效交易。 这句话要多读几遍,丈母娘要考的。老生常谈,但是很重要。 最重要的不是复制别人的,而是根据自己的性格特点,总结出来适合自己的。 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、看不清方向可以来我的村庄看看,点头像坎简界,条件真实玩家即可 3. 重新认识你自己。 最大的敌人是你自己。贪嗔痴疑慢。降服心魔,和自己斗争,每天自省。直面账户,每天总结操作情况和当时的心里想法。为啥买/卖?什么节点?心里变化?哪些做得好和不好的地方?如何提高改进?哪些理解力还不到的地方?哪些心魔又出现了?慢慢做到知行合一 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 $BTC $OMNI $CFX
为什么我们会老抱怨被收割? 其实问题不在什么“道德差”,它不是一个真实存在的东西 你会觉得别人用“道德差”收割你的原因,是因为你被灌输了“预设道德阈值”这种思维定势: -“有知名的VC机构,这项目FDV一定会高于XX,多少价格以下随便梭” -“XX大v关注互动这个项目了,这个项目下线一定不会低” 主若此类思维逻辑,其本质是你将用对于第三方的依赖代替了你自己的理性思考,你罔顾了客观的事实与风险,想当然的去给对方的行为预设道德阈值。 当对方不按照你的预设逻辑行事,你就会觉得自己被割。但真实情况是: -庄始终是盈利驱动的 -庄会预设自己的高中低盈利预期:最多赚多少,最少不亏本 -庄的实际操作取决于当下此时此刻的反馈,包括但不限于市场客观环境,前期活动反馈 etc. 在这样的框架下,去预设庄的道德判定是没有任何意义的。因为这大多数情况是客观因素条件决定多过庄个人意愿。 如果他不这样去决策(或者说去🈹),这是对他的坐庄集团的不负责任。这一层“不道德”要远远严重过他对于你,一个韭菜的“不道德” 在一个博弈市场,永远认清且牢记有且只有博弈是时时刻刻、真真正正存在的事实。如果你输了,向你的对手鼓掌致意,并在下一局重新思考并执行你的策略(包括公开维权叫骂) #大盘走势 $BTC

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