Market analysis on April 12

1. Analysis of the market trend of Big Pancake

1. Analysis of the trend of Big Pancake

From the trend of our Big Pancake: the market fell back from the 67500 position to the high pressure position of 71600, and then began a round of horizontal adjustment phase of callback. From the 4-hour point of view, it has a b-wave rebound trend. The longer the horizontal adjustment time, the greater the possibility of the market breaking upward. Today, the focus on the upper position is still 71600-72000, and the focus on the lower position is around 69800-69300 to see whether the main force will fall back again. If it falls back, we can consider low-buying operations.

2. Analysis of the trend of the aunt

From the trend of the aunt, we can see that the market rises from 3200 to 3700, and then it makes another downward correction to 3400, and then starts another upward sprint to the upper height of 3620 and the rebound position of the 5th wave. It resists the pressure and falls and then starts a horizontal adjustment at 3500 to see whether the market can regain its footing at 3600. The 3600 market will hit 3800 again and start a new round of rising offensive. Today, the upper focus is 3650-3680, and the lower focus is around 3500. The operation is mainly low-absorption

Second, the news situation

From the news perspective, everyone is most focused on whether the Hong Kong ETF can be listed at a designated time, and whether the Ethereum ETF can have some new progress in May. These situations make us look forward to the aunt in May. Yesterday's ETF situation is that BlackRock is still the largest trader, and the market institutional activities have been a bit shaky recently.

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