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Bitcoin fluctuates and washes before halving, and the inscriptions and runes that rise 100 times a day, how to layout them? The market is still in the oscillating stage. Before the release of CPI data, everyone has expectations, that is, hawks, so there will be a pullback before the news is released, and there will be a rebound after the news ends. After multiple pullbacks, the price of Bitcoin still remains at a high point. Every time the cottage adjusts, the overall position is adjusted downward, but recently, the pullback of the cottage has reached a relatively consensus position. This position is the worst position for the expected mid-term pullback in the bull market. Even if Bitcoin continues to fluctuate, the cottage will continue to lower the low point, but the rebound will become very fierce. This is the expectation for the future cottage. However, regardless of whether the expectation is a pullback, this is a staged high point in the bull market, but it is a low point to look back at in the middle and late stages of the bull market. Multiple pullbacks can definitely be seen as strategic pullbacks, routines, and not a true portrayal of this market. In fact, for the future market, most people are optimistic that Bitcoin can break through 100,000 US dollars, or even reach 150,000 US dollars, but it is this middle section that feels difficult to control. In fact, I personally think that if you are worried now, the most fundamental reason is that your position is too large, far beyond your tolerance. I believe that most people have this situation. You only bought a few hundred yuan of coins, but the yield is the highest among all the coins you bought. Because you don’t pay attention to its rise and fall at all. In the currency circle market, most of the time it is sideways and falling, and only a small part of the time it is rising, so the right-side trading strategy I gave you before can allow you to hold the profits after the market trend is determined. Later, with the development of the market, I gave everyone a strategy of making profits out of the principal and keeping the profits. The advantage of this is that you can be calm, so in the end. Jiaoliuqun+Wei: 2758624303 You can get the full increase. The staking track has been very popular in recent days. For projects like ENA and JUP, if you plan to hold them for a long time and do not consider short-term price fluctuations, you can pledge them. For example, ENA’s previous staking income was as high as 80%, and the currency price soared by 100%. Some brothers pledged 100,000 U assets, and in less than half a month, it has turned into 300,000 U. The project party has now launched stablecoin staking, and various gameplays are emerging in an endless stream.Very exciting. This week, the most attractive ones are runes and inscriptions. This morning's data, rune series: rgb++ seal costs 10, and the current price is 3100U, 310 times more in a week! runepunk costs 70U (get the white list in advance) and the current price is 800U, 11 times! rgb++ on ckb costs 10U, 300U off-site! 30 times feelinggood white list costs 10U, 2000U off-site 200 times. AMBI, rare airdrops are free, require tasks, whitelisted yesterday, KOL airdrops today, no cost, current price 1000U. Inscription series: Ombi, daily increase of 40 times! AMB, PIZA, W and other inscriptions, the increase is very high. The old inscription series, two-tier differentiation, some are similar to MUBI, nearly doubling in a week, and some are similar to ROUP, basically no increase. For inscriptions and runes, catching up with this time to go out of the circle is inseparable from the contribution of production reduction and stones. There is a necessity, which has been mentioned in previous articles. The routine of inscriptions and runes is actually very simple. The inscriptions are first deployed by the project party, mint, and a few people in the early community participate, but they will adjust and pause for a period of time, so that retail investors with positions feel that they have returned to zero, and then a large number of retail investors sell, and start the daily level of more than doubling the market. In this case, it is difficult to have opportunities similar to last year's sats. Sats went sideways for several months before pulling the market, giving many retail investors opportunities, so the market is big enough and some people make money. Most of the current inscriptions are foreign communities. They speculate on new ones instead of old ones. When everyone finds some inscriptions, most of them have risen several times or more. The current inscriptions are not suitable for social layout and ambush. You can only discover them by yourself and buy them in small quantities. Once a large amount of money is ambushed before the pull, then this inscription will be abandoned in the short term and will no longer be pulled. Therefore, the current inscriptions need 90% (the kind with daily increases of ten or a hundred times), and even more chips are in the hands of the project party. So, many people asked me why I only issued certain inscriptions in the secondary market, not the primary ones? The rate of return is higher. This is the fundamental reason. I only provide directions, and the risk is relatively high. As for which one to go for, I suggest that everyone disperse and find it by themselves, because once you buy a primary market inscription together, it is basically internal volume. In the primary market, the purpose of inscriptions with daily increases of more than several times is to make everyone pat their thighs. It is a mirage that can only be seen but not eaten. Of course, there are very few people who can mint similar high-multiple inscriptions, but they are generally small warehouses and dispersed. In summary, the primary market needs to diversify positions, and use small positions to win big. Don't hold the mentality of large positions to win high multiples, otherwise it will be a long curve decline. As for runes, there are slightly different control methods. First, let retail investors or KOLs promote, complete tasks, and get whitelists, and then release the news to retail investors and some large investors. A small number of people get whitelists, and most people need to take over at the second level, which will be risky. After all, not every BRC is called Audi, and not every rune is called pumice. #比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势

Bitcoin fluctuates and washes before halving, and the inscriptions and runes that rise 100 times a day, how to layout them?

The market is still in the oscillating stage. Before the release of CPI data, everyone has expectations, that is, hawks, so there will be a pullback before the news is released, and there will be a rebound after the news ends.

After multiple pullbacks, the price of Bitcoin still remains at a high point. Every time the cottage adjusts, the overall position is adjusted downward, but recently, the pullback of the cottage has reached a relatively consensus position.

This position is the worst position for the expected mid-term pullback in the bull market. Even if Bitcoin continues to fluctuate, the cottage will continue to lower the low point, but the rebound will become very fierce.

This is the expectation for the future cottage.

However, regardless of whether the expectation is a pullback, this is a staged high point in the bull market, but it is a low point to look back at in the middle and late stages of the bull market. Multiple pullbacks can definitely be seen as strategic pullbacks, routines, and not a true portrayal of this market.

In fact, for the future market, most people are optimistic that Bitcoin can break through 100,000 US dollars, or even reach 150,000 US dollars, but it is this middle section that feels difficult to control.

In fact, I personally think that if you are worried now, the most fundamental reason is that your position is too large, far beyond your tolerance. I believe that most people have this situation. You only bought a few hundred yuan of coins, but the yield is the highest among all the coins you bought.

Because you don’t pay attention to its rise and fall at all.

In the currency circle market, most of the time it is sideways and falling, and only a small part of the time it is rising, so the right-side trading strategy I gave you before can allow you to hold the profits after the market trend is determined.

Later, with the development of the market, I gave everyone a strategy of making profits out of the principal and keeping the profits. The advantage of this is that you can be calm, so in the end.

Jiaoliuqun+Wei: 2758624303 You can get the full increase.

The staking track has been very popular in recent days. For projects like ENA and JUP, if you plan to hold them for a long time and do not consider short-term price fluctuations, you can pledge them. For example, ENA’s previous staking income was as high as 80%, and the currency price soared by 100%. Some brothers pledged 100,000 U assets, and in less than half a month, it has turned into 300,000 U. The project party has now launched stablecoin staking, and various gameplays are emerging in an endless stream.Very exciting.

This week, the most attractive ones are runes and inscriptions.

This morning's data, rune series:

rgb++ seal costs 10, and the current price is 3100U, 310 times more in a week!

runepunk costs 70U (get the white list in advance) and the current price is 800U, 11 times!

rgb++ on ckb costs 10U, 300U off-site! 30 times

feelinggood white list costs 10U, 2000U off-site 200 times.

AMBI, rare airdrops are free, require tasks, whitelisted yesterday, KOL airdrops today, no cost, current price 1000U.

Inscription series:

Ombi, daily increase of 40 times!

AMB, PIZA, W and other inscriptions, the increase is very high.

The old inscription series, two-tier differentiation, some are similar to MUBI, nearly doubling in a week, and some are similar to ROUP, basically no increase.

For inscriptions and runes, catching up with this time to go out of the circle is inseparable from the contribution of production reduction and stones. There is a necessity, which has been mentioned in previous articles.

The routine of inscriptions and runes is actually very simple.

The inscriptions are first deployed by the project party, mint, and a few people in the early community participate, but they will adjust and pause for a period of time, so that retail investors with positions feel that they have returned to zero, and then a large number of retail investors sell, and start the daily level of more than doubling the market.

In this case, it is difficult to have opportunities similar to last year's sats.

Sats went sideways for several months before pulling the market, giving many retail investors opportunities, so the market is big enough and some people make money. Most of the current inscriptions are foreign communities. They speculate on new ones instead of old ones. When everyone finds some inscriptions, most of them have risen several times or more.

The current inscriptions are not suitable for social layout and ambush. You can only discover them by yourself and buy them in small quantities. Once a large amount of money is ambushed before the pull, then this inscription will be abandoned in the short term and will no longer be pulled.

Therefore, the current inscriptions need 90% (the kind with daily increases of ten or a hundred times), and even more chips are in the hands of the project party.

So, many people asked me why I only issued certain inscriptions in the secondary market, not the primary ones? The rate of return is higher.

This is the fundamental reason.

I only provide directions, and the risk is relatively high. As for which one to go for, I suggest that everyone disperse and find it by themselves, because once you buy a primary market inscription together, it is basically internal volume.

In the primary market, the purpose of inscriptions with daily increases of more than several times is to make everyone pat their thighs. It is a mirage that can only be seen but not eaten. Of course, there are very few people who can mint similar high-multiple inscriptions, but they are generally small warehouses and dispersed.

In summary, the primary market needs to diversify positions, and use small positions to win big. Don't hold the mentality of large positions to win high multiples, otherwise it will be a long curve decline.

As for runes, there are slightly different control methods.

First, let retail investors or KOLs promote, complete tasks, and get whitelists, and then release the news to retail investors and some large investors. A small number of people get whitelists, and most people need to take over at the second level, which will be risky.

After all, not every BRC is called Audi, and not every rune is called pumice. #比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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灰度,FTX债权,SEC证券监管,门头沟,4大皆空。 加密货币的行情,不以秒计,也是以天计的。 前几天还在一片祥和的市场,突然晴天炸雷,接连爆出利空,行情也可是走下坡路。 5月8日,据Cointelegraph报道,灰度Grayscale已于5月7日向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交了撤回以太坊(ETH)期货ETF申请的通知。 有分析称这是战略性撤回。 以太坊的ETF,有一定的期待性,但是不通过的风险性要大于BTC,因为还要考虑到SEC和CFTC对它的定性,也就是证券风险。 去年中旬,sec将大量的山寨币定性为涉嫌“代币证卷化”。 最近,又再次传出,美监管机构开始针对证券代币进行打击,并且要求coinbase下架一些证券代币。 一年了,老美再出手监管“证券代币”,也符合他们的作风,毕竟做事情要有头有尾。 王哥认为,对此不能忽视,但也不要过度解读。 因为去年的监管,只起到了加速洗盘的效果,后续那些被定性为“证券”的代币并没有一蹶不振。特别是其中的sol,就是在这次监管后,开始暴力拉升。 还需要注意,SOL背后的金融机构,牵扯甚广,老美向来是资本和监管机构关系错综复杂,交织很深,只要资本不想,相信很难完全扼杀。 毕竟利益决定了一切,SOL代表了很多华尔街资本的利益。 SOL曾经最大的幕后投资者是FTX交易所。 作为本轮牛市的牺牲品,FTX的崩盘,引发了一系列的“蝴蝶效应”。其中包括“加速币安的调查,赵长鹏入狱的导火索”,还有大量FTX投资人和散户的损失,以及SOL的持续暴跌。 如今,债权人终于可以获得赔偿了,已经大量出售了FTX持有的BTC,ETH,SOL等代币。 之前看到的SOL出售的价格是64美金和100美金左右,这些代币暂时是无法流向市场的,是锁仓状态的。 从这一笔交易看,这有点像对赌协议,长线上SOL是被看好的。 最近门头沟也开始有进展,有消息传要开始卖了。 以上4个利空的加持下,导致了行情的下跌。 个人认为,上述4个利空,最关键的是关于“证券代币”的最终定论,这才是最重要的。 其他的那些短期利空,只会造成短期抛售,而且有些利空的抛售,已经部分完成了,比如FTX。 所以,需要重点关注监管的动态。 监管是风险,但也是机会,跟去年闹得火热的监管风波一样,短线的FUD情绪,也是会有一些机会的,后续的行情,可以参考去年中旬。 具体来说,去年中旬有一波POW的机会。 其实王哥的心里倒是乐于见到sec监管,强制让大交易所下架大量的证券代币,因为只有强监管,才能让一些泡沫消化掉,才会让山寨的通胀减轻,才会利于真正的去中心化。 对未来的行情看法,一直以来都是有矛盾的。 一边是周期正确。 一边是山寨通胀。 上一篇文章中,我之所以去统计了散户的持仓比例,其原因还是要去看大部分散户的状态,以此来决定自己的仓位管理。 统计下来的数据说实话很不好。 得出结论:可能还需要一次真正的洗盘,所以文章也提醒大家要注意减仓,减仓后没多久,市场就开始下跌了。 这一波短线的抄底卖出,弥补了一部分利润回撤,也给下一次抄底打下基础。 这个市场,一切都是变化莫测的,但唯有一点是确定的,当大部分散户都在车上的时候,拉盘变得很难。 虽说降息之前大概率都会有一波行情,但时间上,还有洗盘的空间。 每次看到这样的数据,我都会做减仓处理,短线上这个数据可能决定不了行情走势,但上升空间有限,风险加剧。 综上所述,波段的仓位应该争取每次都站在大部分散户的对立面。 本轮牛市,大家可能都体会到了难处,以前的那种疯牛,很难,但板块轮动和分布式的暴涨,又随时存在。 这样就需要灵活处理了,所以这一轮牛市,需要波段。 其实在这次减仓后,有个问题一直在我脑子里面徘徊: 多轮牛熊之后,市场趋于成熟,散户只会追涨,很少杀跌了,交琉qun+V:2758624303那究竟如何洗盘,才能让他们彻底割肉呢? 想来想去,只有监管。94是一次,519也是一次,还有去年老美监管,也许只有大棒挥舞,才能让散户感受到害怕。 让一部分代币归零,也许是洗盘最终极的办法。 但是如何在不确定时间和力度的情况下去操作仓位呢? 无法预测,只能规避。不知道会不会有,但倘若有这种监管的机会,首要记住,监管的是证券代币(要注意风险),以BTC为首的那些非证券代币反而是机会。#BTC走势分析 #BTC
这两天传闻会放开加密领域,引起轩然大波,先不去说消息的可靠性,单纯的放开,对行情是好事吗? 个人反而认为,放开的那段时间,是大利空。 17年饭局,某项目方大V拍着胸脯说,我哥是XXX,上市公司马上要做币业务,以后币就归证券管了,未来无限可期。 王哥一句话搞冷场了,币要是归证券管的话,是不是要率先打压项目方,毕竟目前的上币流程,都不合规啊。 时隔五年,回过头再看看老美,就知道合规的“可怕”,毕竟原先不管项目方,是懒得管,一旦纳入管控领域,划入指标,这些都是闪亮亮的金币。 不怕放开,就怕部分放开。 如果按照资金准入规则,比如资金超过500万且符合风险等级,准入购买在港BTC的ETF,以后用股票账户,可以购买BTC,这算不算放开呢? 当然算是放开,并且是大利好,但对于U和OK、BN来说,就完全是大利空,这意味着将面临史上最强管控,你可能会觉得是危言耸听,但到时候可能相关的文章,也都看不到,听不见了,按照合规,个人不可以聊证券。 所以放开的第一时间,势必会面临重锤,等到风平浪静之后,才会迎来新春天,当然对于交易方来说,更合规的市场才能走的更远,王哥也希望迎来真正的合规,哪怕是经历阵痛。 ... 资金,正转向流出。可以看到,最近ETF成为行情风向标,前两天,资金从流入转向流出,与此同时,BTC开始大跌。 可以关注资金流出异动,再去决定入手,会更安全。 BTC: BTC沿5日线持平,小时线插针回落,确认顶部抛压,上方63752美元是插针关键点,只有站稳63752美元,才能筑底走强,重返多头上冲走势,伴随多头量能减弱,BTC需要进一步筑底,接下来BTC在63752美元插针回落。 交琉qun+V:2758624303 阻力位:63752,65046,66134 支撑位:61132,59975,58673 ETH: ETH插针回落,伴随多头量能减弱,ETH进入三角收敛走势,小时线插针回落,确认阻力线抛压,上方4.29、5.6日形成的阻力线关键点,上方3074美元是阻力线关键点,只有放量突破3074美元,才能快速冲高走强,接下来ETH在3074美元冲高回落。 阻力位:3074,3172,3253 支撑位:2965,2906,2843 #BTC走势分析 #BTC #ETH
这轮牛市,普通人最后机会!#BTC 机构入场,利好利空? 对于有币一族,绝对利好。机构携老钱,给你我接盘,试问世界上能有几次? 对了没错,这次轮到了你我,牛不牛? 淡定,牛才刚开始。 随着传统机构入场,拉扯多年的比特币ETF通过,越来越多老钱,按捺不住内心,纷纷布局BTC,所以你跟我说牛市没了?笑话。 前两天,看到巴菲特找不到好标的,无奈手握1880亿美刀现金,这里公开喊单,巴菲特,把你的资金,全部梭哈比特币,有认识的,帮我告之一下。 现在入场还有机会,等过个两年,您老就等着给咱接盘吧您,到时别说咱没提前给你打招呼。 放心,咱跟孙割不是一类人,咱尊老爱幼,不坑你。 继续,很明显的是,眼下比特币正在美元化,机构化。首先,美国监管机构,开始上马,为掌控提供政策,法律基础,说白了,就是分一杯羹。 接下来,各类白手套(机构)入场,开始对市场进行全面掌控,交琉qun+V:2758624303一旦完成,形成成熟市场,那么未来比特币跟美股市场,基本一致。 如果手握大把现金,我真建议你买点比特币,当成传家宝,人走币还在。 还在犹豫,等下轮再入,等大跌抄底,等找到女朋友,等生二孩再入场的哥们,我们会多给你准备几个盘。 为什么说散户没机会? 机构完全控盘,还咋玩?这堆职业镰刀,手法老道,普通人挣不到钱的。 抓住红利期,猛干!

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