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1. None of the coins I hold have increased in value. Is there still hope? I am afraid that this question can only be asked by ourselves. We can think about it ourselves: Is it because the coin itself has a problem or the market has temporarily ignored it? If the coin has no problem and the market has temporarily ignored it, then it is not a big problem. Because in the bull market, basically every track will rotate once, as long as the coin has no problem, it will rotate sooner or later. If you don't know whether your coin has a problem, you can recall why you bought it in the first place? Now let's see if the reason for buying it in the first place is still right? If you can't answer these questions, it proves that you still don't understand it. Since you don't understand it, you are upset and feel hopeless. It's better to simply change it all to Bitcoin and Ethereum. 2. When you first enter the coin circle, you have not experienced a complete bull and bear market, and you have no concept of risk. I have always advocated that you must use spare money for investment, and never use money that affects your life, let alone raise capital by mortgaging assets. It is very risky to operate with such a high leverage. I think it was good luck that there was no problem with this operation, but everyone's good luck is limited. Once you have bad luck once, all your efforts will be wasted. In addition, even if the final result is good, the process of operating with such a high leverage is very destructive to people's psychology and physiology. In this process, you live in fear and anxiety every day. It is very likely that your psychology and physiology will have problems before you see the fruits of victory. And once your body has problems, no amount of money will help. 3. After reading Vitalik's article, he said that if faced with quantum attacks, Ethereum can adopt a rollback method. What do you think of this method? I understand that Vitalik is talking about measures in very extreme situations. However, if this situation really happens, it is not surprising that Vitalik did so. Because after the last DAO incident, Ethereum carried out such an operation. I think such things should be avoided as much as possible. Because once it happens, whether it is rolled back or not, it will hurt the consensus of at least half of the community. In addition, I think the probability of this situation is very low, and anti-quantum attacks have been deployed and arranged in the future development path of Ethereum.The Ethereum community also has a team dedicated to researching anti-quantum attacks. So overall, I am not too worried about Ethereum being attacked by quantum attacks.

1. None of the coins I hold have increased in value. Is there still hope?

I am afraid that this question can only be asked by ourselves. We can think about it ourselves: Is it because the coin itself has a problem or the market has temporarily ignored it? If the coin has no problem and the market has temporarily ignored it, then it is not a big problem. Because in the bull market, basically every track will rotate once, as long as the coin has no problem, it will rotate sooner or later. If you don't know whether your coin has a problem, you can recall why you bought it in the first place?

Now let's see if the reason for buying it in the first place is still right?

If you can't answer these questions, it proves that you still don't understand it. Since you don't understand it, you are upset and feel hopeless. It's better to simply change it all to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

2. When you first enter the coin circle, you have not experienced a complete bull and bear market, and you have no concept of risk. I have always advocated that you must use spare money for investment, and never use money that affects your life, let alone raise capital by mortgaging assets. It is very risky to operate with such a high leverage. I think it was good luck that there was no problem with this operation, but everyone's good luck is limited. Once you have bad luck once, all your efforts will be wasted. In addition, even if the final result is good, the process of operating with such a high leverage is very destructive to people's psychology and physiology. In this process, you live in fear and anxiety every day. It is very likely that your psychology and physiology will have problems before you see the fruits of victory. And once your body has problems, no amount of money will help.

3. After reading Vitalik's article, he said that if faced with quantum attacks, Ethereum can adopt a rollback method. What do you think of this method? I understand that Vitalik is talking about measures in very extreme situations. However, if this situation really happens, it is not surprising that Vitalik did so. Because after the last DAO incident, Ethereum carried out such an operation. I think such things should be avoided as much as possible. Because once it happens, whether it is rolled back or not, it will hurt the consensus of at least half of the community. In addition, I think the probability of this situation is very low, and anti-quantum attacks have been deployed and arranged in the future development path of Ethereum.The Ethereum community also has a team dedicated to researching anti-quantum attacks. So overall, I am not too worried about Ethereum being attacked by quantum attacks.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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尝过合约的甜头,确实不怎么愿意回到现货了 今天反弹了一点,你们心里又在想,要是昨天再抗一抗,没有把单子平掉,是不是现在会少亏几万u,又开始沮丧 可惜没有如果,我不知道什么时候是底部,也不知道什么时候是顶部,我只是币圈的小韭菜,只是求着抢着给大佬送钱送流动性的小韭菜 复盘一下这波亏损 1、以为自己杠杆低,爆仓价低,然后手上还有现货资金可以补仓,所以没有设置止损,想着怎么都能抗过去,所以第一天暴跌之后其实发现反弹无力,也没有想着降低仓位或者平仓减损 2、在没有止损的前提下,担心爆仓所以连续加了几次保证金和开仓,希望压低成本,但是在黑天鹅面前,再多的资金量根本不够,仓位管理有很大的问题,中药的不传之谜在于量,合约的不传之谜在于仓位 3、在布局这波合约的时候没有考虑到黑天鹅🦢,其实也考虑过,所以没有爆仓都是自己平仓,但真正面临黑天鹅时,那种恐惧的心理完全压不住,恐惧的根本在于我没钱加仓、补仓了,而合约不能像现货一样躺平 4、有几个品种的合约回头看深度很差,一天的成交量才500万u左右,很容易插针到很深,但是没有注意 5、自己的交易系统有很多漏洞,但根本在于不能很好的执行,本来要么左侧要么右侧,但操作时一会左侧一会右侧 6、没有止损、没有止损、还是没有止损 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注海绵,每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。
在币市里想要赢,记住这5个秘籍。 一、低买高卖,耐心是关键 简单来说,熊市时买入,牛市时卖出。牛市大概持续半年至一年,熊市则可能持续一至两年。大约每三到四年一轮牛熊更替。掌握时机,在每次牛市赚取至少50%的利润是可能的,这样的收益比起其他投资要高得多。 二、精选价值币, 耐心等待,挑选真正有前景的币,然后在价格最低时入场,静待价值上升。 三、专注主流 比特币和以太坊是币圈的常青树。牛市入手,熊市出售,至少可以获得50%的盈利。此外,一些交易平台币和强势基础链,以及有强共识的币种,都是值得投资的选择。 四、牛市中段就卖百分之五十 ,到牛市尾声设置移动止盈,一旦市场开始下滑,该卖一定卖出,不要抱有不切实际的期望。 五、保持头脑清醒,避免跟风 ,牛市中虽然机会多,尤其是山寨币暴涨时,但重要的是保持冷静,不要抱有一夜暴富的幻想。对于山寨币,重仓投资风险极大,小资金玩玩尚可,切忌孤注一掷。最关键的一点,始终保护好你的本金。遇到市场不稳定时及时止损,耐心等待下一个机遇。记住,在币市中,资金安全最重要。 作为一个在币圈摸爬滚打多年的投资者,我愿意与你分享我的经验和见解。如果你对币圈感兴趣,但不知道该如何下手,不妨关注我,我们一同探讨币圈的奥秘和未来的可能性。 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注海绵,每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。
BTC接下来是涨还是跌?山寨币该布局哪些? 截止到今天,大饼已经连续高位横盘震荡了近两个月,让很多人开始对大饼失去信心。比特币接下来是涨是跌? 在我看来,市场情绪悲观反而是好事。因为行情总是在分歧中不断发展的,没有这些看空的人,主力怎么吸筹?主力吸不到筹码,控不住盘面,大饼怎么上涨,怎么突破?现在行情是典型要把散户磨走。典型的空头结构,但是又不暴跌,他也不走强,最少还要持续1个月以上。本轮行情,出现了很多新常态,etf的出现,使得整个币圈波动都变小了,2021山寨如果出现同样的指标,应该已经腰斩3次了,比特币应该去5万。可是现在山寨仅腰斩一次,比特币维持6万。所以我相信,大饼会继续上涨,甚至会向65k发起强攻,拉出一根大阳线!不管你现在是空仓还是满仓,不管你是拿的什么币种,请继续持币不动摇,耐得住寂寞才能守得住繁华。 山寨强势的还是那几个币,4月13日以后很多强势山寨已经底部行成了,在震荡向上趋势,慢慢爬坡走势。细心的可以找这些币,未来这些也会是强势币,下一轮拉盘的:AI赛道、 SOL生态、MEME币、 RWA赛道(这个稍微弱一点) AI赛道:ARKM、 RNDR 有的可以继续拿,后面GPT5发布肯定还会带动一波行情,NFP 现价可以分批入, AGIX FET 都是不错的选择   SOL生态:MEME 币可关注 WIF 、 BOME   RWA赛道:关注 ONDO、 POLYX   体育板块:6月欧洲杯和7.26~8.11的巴黎奥运会 可关注 SANTOS 、CHZ 老币推荐ETC 和 ZEC ,ETC下6月16号减半 ,ZEC连续跌了二十多个月,超跌状态开始走强,喜欢老币的可以关注 新公链可以关注 SEI 、 SUI   以太二层可关注 SSV 、 OP 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注海绵,每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。
币圈阶段推演 1、区块链革命,要投资有革命性创新的价值项目。 有人买了eth,有人买了eos;有人押注了sol,有人重仓了dot。 机构和项目方在上述路径中大量建设了许多价值项目,估值越来越高,并都期待在本轮牛市卖给散户。 2、价值就是接盘 大量的价值币以过去10倍以上的数量和FDV流入市场,并陆续开始大量解锁,目前每月解锁50到100亿美元,而ETF的总流入也只有100亿。 人们不再接盘VC币,买入meme,并开始讨论meme的价值投资,并开始忽略meme的本质是需要更多人买入并且庄家暂时不砸盘。 而且,当前人们忽略了总市值千亿以上而且全流通的meme也意味着几百亿的可砸盘的傻钱,其风险和预期的暴富收益一样高。 3、meme币带崩大盘 meme币不会无限制上涨,一旦资金停止流入就是高点。而庄家也不是无所不能,当市值越来越大,meme币上涨就越来越难。 我喜欢meme币,但当所有人都看好并且风投都开始进入的时候,或许那个隐形的高点就开始接近了。 币圈投机者为主,人群最大的特点就是没有耐心,因此,假设未来数月没有大行情,meme币可能出现极大的崩盘式回调。 而人们如果对meme失望,将会对币圈绝望,并引发一轮山寨的大崩盘。 4、人们回归价值 当山寨币被带崩,比如总市值跌去70%以上时,山寨的总市值将在3000亿左右,这会有启动一轮普涨7倍的山寨行情的可能性。 5、meme重新上涨 就像周期,人们在价值币上赚到的钱会流入到那时跌去很多的meme上,并开始本轮牛市最后的晚餐。 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注海绵,每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。

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