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All friends in the cryptocurrency circle, please note that the adjustment of Bitcoin has ended and it is ready to accelerate its rise in the evening! Bitcoin fluctuated higher during the US trading session last night. Many people think that the market is very weak today. In fact, it is not easy for Bitcoin to stand at 70k again today. After all, Bitcoin fell yesterday morning. Last night, the United States released the CPI data for March, which was higher than expected, which will cause the Fed to postpone the interest rate cut again. Affected by this news, all three major US stock indexes closed sharply lower last night. In fact, many people do not have hope for today's market, but Lao Jiu posted a message during the European trading session yesterday, telling you clearly that the attack will start on time in the evening. You can take a look at yesterday's post. Is the trend like a god's help? It can't fall at all. This trend can still go against the trend, which is very telling. Remember, whether the Fed cuts interest rates or not, the era of global hyperinflation is coming, and the United States is now in a dilemma. In the era of hyperinflation, the currency depreciates, but fixed assets such as houses, securities, and commodities will rise in price. Careful friends can find that the previous trend has been perfectly replicated recently! The trend here is actually a wash. Haven't you noticed that the daily trend of the big cake is gradually rising? If the main force really shipped during the sideways fluctuation, how can it still stay sideways? Why is the low point gradually rising? The main force has fully digested the market's short-selling power through nearly a month of high-level sideways fluctuations, so every time the callback, the strength of the short-selling is declining. This callback did not even touch 60k. As the saying goes, the first effort is strong, the second is weak, and the third is exhausted. During the sideways fluctuation, the short-selling failed to smash it several times. Do you think the big cake can still fall later? So, in summary, today, Thursday, the big cake is ready to accelerate its rise. This accelerated rise will completely break through 73k and go straight to 80k and 85k. I still say the same thing, no matter what others say, Lao Jiu is firmly bullish. If you avoid the decline, you will miss the rise. Some pullbacks are what you must experience on the road to success. Without pullbacks, there will be no success. Like, follow, and forward are the greatest support for me#比特币减半 #CPI数据

All friends in the cryptocurrency circle, please note that the adjustment of Bitcoin has ended and it is ready to accelerate its rise in the evening!

Bitcoin fluctuated higher during the US trading session last night. Many people think that the market is very weak today. In fact, it is not easy for Bitcoin to stand at 70k again today. After all, Bitcoin fell yesterday morning.

Last night, the United States released the CPI data for March, which was higher than expected, which will cause the Fed to postpone the interest rate cut again. Affected by this news, all three major US stock indexes closed sharply lower last night.

In fact, many people do not have hope for today's market, but Lao Jiu posted a message during the European trading session yesterday, telling you clearly that the attack will start on time in the evening. You can take a look at yesterday's post. Is the trend like a god's help? It can't fall at all. This trend can still go against the trend, which is very telling.

Remember, whether the Fed cuts interest rates or not, the era of global hyperinflation is coming, and the United States is now in a dilemma. In the era of hyperinflation, the currency depreciates, but fixed assets such as houses, securities, and commodities will rise in price.

Careful friends can find that the previous trend has been perfectly replicated recently! The trend here is actually a wash. Haven't you noticed that the daily trend of the big cake is gradually rising?

If the main force really shipped during the sideways fluctuation, how can it still stay sideways? Why is the low point gradually rising?

The main force has fully digested the market's short-selling power through nearly a month of high-level sideways fluctuations, so every time the callback, the strength of the short-selling is declining. This callback did not even touch 60k.

As the saying goes, the first effort is strong, the second is weak, and the third is exhausted. During the sideways fluctuation, the short-selling failed to smash it several times. Do you think the big cake can still fall later?

So, in summary, today, Thursday, the big cake is ready to accelerate its rise. This accelerated rise will completely break through 73k and go straight to 80k and 85k.

I still say the same thing, no matter what others say, Lao Jiu is firmly bullish. If you avoid the decline, you will miss the rise. Some pullbacks are what you must experience on the road to success. Without pullbacks, there will be no success.

Like, follow, and forward are the greatest support for me#比特币减半 #CPI数据

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不必再猜晚间涨跌了,盘面已经出现了一个重要信号,你们知道是什么吗?大饼接下来是涨是跌?关于晚间的走势,老九再简单交代几个重点,防止还有朋友没有看到! 亚盘时段大饼小幅回落,欧洲交易时段震荡走高,今天的盘面,算是一个上涨途中的震荡休整,这个震荡,不是为了下砸,而是为了能够更好的上攻,老九有一种强烈的感觉,大饼即将迎来光头光脚远古巨阳! 为什么会有这样的预判,主要有以下四点原因: 一,截止到目前市场情绪依然非常谨慎,大家并没有因为大饼的突破上涨而大胆买入,相反我看到了很多人都在减仓离场; 二,大饼前期横盘震荡了将近一个半月,主力手中已经掌握了大量的筹码,而这些筹码,目前依然在主力手中,主力后面想要高抛,就必须向上拉升,吸引场外跟风追涨的人进场接盘; 三,依然有很多优质山寨标的没有启动,它们都还没有发力,一旦它们动了,大饼想不涨都难,结构性牛市跌宕起伏。 四,从周线走势来看,上周周K线收的金针探底,这是一个非常强烈的看涨信号,尤其是在大周期走势,这个时候我们要做的就是保持多一点耐心! 综上所述,以上四点理由,足以证明目前市场仍然保持着非常大的分歧,有很多的人都认为大饼涨不上去,老九想说的是:行情总是在分歧中展开,在一致中结束,! 现在老九再次强调,大饼不会出现大幅度跳水,后面行情还要加速上涨! 点赞,关注,转发是最大的支持!#BTC #ETH #BTC走势分析
各位商界名流,社会精英早上好,新的一周开始了,大饼周末围绕63k震荡整理,接下来是涨是跌?不啰嗦,直奔主题 1、随着低于预期的非农就业报告公布,重燃市场对美联储降息的预期,比特币重返6.3万美元上方。美国比特币现货ETF市场结束连续7天的资金流出,香港ETF的推出,继续助长了做多热情,市场亦出现了明显的资金流入。 2、美国劳工部周五(5月3日)公布的最新数据显示,4月份失业率意外上升,工资增长放缓,劳动力市场正在降温。 美国4月季调后非农就业人口录得增长17.5万人,增幅为2023年10月来新低,不及预期的24.3万人和前值30.3万人。 4月失业率意外升至3.9%,市场预期维持在3.8%不变;4月份的平均时薪环比增长0.2%,低于预期和前值0.3%。 3、对于我们一路持币至今的朋友,完全不必担心,接着奏乐接着舞,仓位保持在5成,做到进可攻退可守! 盘中行情走势瞬息万变,主力会根据市场参与者的事实状态而采取突然行动,在上涨趋势中,卖飞筹码是非常普遍的事情。所以当前情况下,以不变应万变才是上上之策! 4、一命二运三风水,牛人,不是会逆天改命,而是当“运”“势”来临时,你能够抓得住,能够看清!观点对没用,执行力才是你的安身立命之本! 5、大海航行靠舵手,币圈涨跌看大饼;牛市跌宕起伏,你得有仓位,行情走得很久很远,你要耐得住寂寞,拿得住,让利润一直奔跑。 最后,老九是人不是神,每天预判就如同走高空绳索,步步惊心!说对了是运气,说错了是水平,还请各位多多支持! 如果你认同我的观点,就点赞,关注,转发支持一下,谢谢!#BTC #ETH #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期

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