Success is not entirely luck. Choice and hard work are more important! In the afternoon, we gave the idea of ​​making a double. Then the price ratio went up as expected. We entered the long position at 68,900. We left the market when the price ratio rose to around 69,250. We accurately placed more than 310 points. Auntie entered the long position at 3,506. It rose to 3,541 and left the market with more than 30 points. Then the price ratio was weak. We also caught the signal and went short directly. After the CPI news gave negative news, we placed orange, big cake, aunt and space in time and left the market. We respectively took more than 990 points and more than 70 points of space. At present, the lowest price ratio has reached 67,500. After recovering to 68,000 in a small range, it also went down again. Due to the influence of the news, this wave of decline has broken the rhythm of shock. Then we will follow the trend. We can place orange around the short position in the future. Big cake is short around 68,000-68,300, and the target is 66,000. Auntie is short around 3,430-3,440 Target: 3350#大盘走势 #新币挖矿