Market summary:

For the current market situation, it is temporarily garbage time. Contract traders are better off watching rather than operating. Comprehensively assessing the current situation, the entire market is waiting for tomorrow's CPI data. Once the data has a small probability of rising, it will stimulate the market in the short term. Therefore, the risk of the contract will still be very large. You can place an expected order at a reasonable position and wait for the needle.

In terms of spot, the second key support is currently being paid attention to. Breaking it indicates that Bitcoin will continue to have the risk of falling. As for the third support, once it is broken, the spot must reasonably control the position. Once the market breaks, I will promptly prompt to adjust the position according to the situation.

At present, the United States is greatly affected by macroeconomic sentiment, and it still maintains a state of net outflow of funds, but the overall result is not worse. The outflow of funds has decreased. We will further observe the change data of funds after the data is released tomorrow.

Overall summary, watch more and operate less, just wait for tomorrow's data to be released. At present, pay less attention to the rhythm of short selling, because from the technical side or market dynamics, there is no clear signal of short selling, so there is no need to be overly pessimistic. Continue to compete with patience.
