Academician of Currency Circle: 2024.4.9 Ethereum (ETH) latest market analysis and reference suggestions

Yesterday's Ethereum market was unilaterally upward. After the weekly line opened yesterday, it recovered the gap of last week and rushed to a high level. The opening and closing points of the previous three weeks were around 3650. It is expected to return to this position and move sideways. The overall trend of the K-line is much stronger than that of the big cake. All indicators are bullish, and there is more room above (there is a high probability of a compensatory rise in the later period)

The daily K-line was around 3700 before the press release. There will be a wave of decline in the short term, and you can follow the trend Catch a free-falling space within 50 points. You can see that the current EMA trend indicator has a three-line crossover upward trend. Yesterday, it went unilaterally at the moment of formation. The U-shaped excessive broke the previous high. KDJ also took the opportunity of the golden cross formation to spread upward. After the MACD shrinking and increasing funds ended, it began to increase in volume and rise. The polarization of DIF and DEA that just ended entered below the 0 axis and formed a golden cross trend. DIF once again entered above the 0 axis to form a polarization (consolidation indicator). Before the two-level differentiation ends, there will be no large-scale fluctuations in the market. The K-line impact After the upper Bollinger Band pressure level of 3730, it fell back today and is still below the upper band (sideways)

In the four-hour ultra-short trend, we can see that the previous K-line hit 3730 and then closed with a negative line. A very long upper shadow line appeared above, which still has a certain impact on the trend after today's opening. It is expected that there will be a wave of decline. Then the lower fulcrum is around 3650. This range has a 50-point pocket range, which is very good. You can grab it a little. At present, the EMA trend indicator is still spreading upward. Before the alternating upward trend ends, the bullish trend will not end. The callback is only temporary. The K-line has returned to the Bollinger Band. MACD has increased in volume and no main force has been found to increase funds, indicating that the upward momentum is insufficient. The short-term callback and KDJ are closing downward. The overall trend is a sideways trend based on various indicators. The idea is mainly low-to-long.


Specific reference suggestions are as follows:

The first entry point for long positions is 3665, the second entry point is 3620, and the stop loss point for long positions is 3590.

The first entry point for short positions is 3730, the second entry point is 3770, and the stop loss point for short positions is 3800.

(The entry points are outside the pressure and support, and the range is adjusted. Stability is the first priority)


Specific operations are based on real-time data of the market. For more information and details, please contact the author. There is a delay in the release of the article. The suggestion is for reference only and the risk is borne by yourself. $BTC $ETH $BNB #ETH合约

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