If I don't show you my skills, you might think I'm a sick cat. I can see through the cost of the dealer. The main chips of Audi ordi are around 65 US dollars. The cost of the dog dealer of Polkadot is around 8 US dollars. The callback of these two coins is almost in place. Once the market reverses, they may take off.

I can be a holder like before and hoard coins mindlessly and foolishly, and I can beat most retail investors with time, but what's the point in that? Such a boring Buffett-style diary is like always having sex in the same position. The wonderful trading thing becomes like paying public grain, just like the sexless marriages of many leeks in the cryptocurrency circle. Is there any fun in it?

I would rather be stopped out during volatility, is it just to satisfy the pleasure of trading? No, no, the technology is accumulated through real trading. Many financial analysts who talk about strategy on paper are just a bunch of shit in my eyes. What about the stock market Hu Xijin? He deserves to be scolded even though he is old. He is simply a clown in the financial world, just like Ma Baoguo in the martial arts world who is good at five whips.

Some people say that I am a beacon of the opposite, and I really want to laugh. If you have the ability to do the opposite of what I do, then I will admire you with all my heart. I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that you will lose everything. If you don't go bankrupt, I will say that I am bankrupt because my Dafa skills are not good enough.

Win rate is not important in my trading system. Accuracy is something that only laymen value. I only care about the profit and loss ratio. You may not understand even if I tell you. It is the odds in Macau. If you look back at my diary from a year ago, I smashed the cup in late April last year. At that time, I called on everyone to buy the bottom when the price was around 26,000 US dollars, and it was all-in. Pictures speak the truth. Who dared to publicly shout all in like me in that bear market environment? The diary has traces and cannot be faked. At least about 3 times the profit, you didn't eat the meat because you were timid. You didn't believe it when I smashed the cup.

My spot trading system is right-side trading, which has a certain lag. When the market fluctuates sideways, it will often be stopped. However, as a public figure, my responsibility is to remind everyone to avoid risks. Damn, don’t I know that it’s easy to be a die-hard bull, just lie flat with the pie. Even a fool knows that the general trend of the halving is rising. I’ve waited four years for this to happen, but I’m stupid enough to get off the bus at any time.

A blind man touching an elephant, you, a free spectator, will never understand the truth. I have done so many orders in the contract shouting group these days. Contract short-term is a short-term leveraged play. There is no conflict, haha. If you do this again, I will not tell you when I buy the bottom next time. I will tell you when I reach the top of the mountain, haha. You think I only know how to practice Mizongquan, but in fact, I practice Tai Chi.

I really admire the masters like Ma Baoguo in the cryptocurrency circle. Even though I can hypnotize, I have never claimed to be a hypnotist. But if I go to Macau, I will definitely call myself a gambling saint. The casino is where I am best at. I have never lost the arcade game "97 King of Fighters" since I was a child. When I was a child, I didn't meet an opponent in a city. A little gangster was not convinced and kept throwing coins to lose. Finally, he called a group of people to play the "Young and Dangerous" trick for me. I am not Chen Haonan, but the owner of the game hall stood on my side. Oh, and there is also the Jackie Chan version of "Drunken Master". I can complete it every time with my eyes closed.

Last year, a 100x coin appeared at the Hong Kong Carnival. I wonder if there are any new things that can quickly break the circle this year? If you have any new projects to launch, just come to me. I will accept all. It is best if there is a reception inspection to reimburse the air tickets. Even if it is in the southern hemisphere, I will take the time to fly over and risk my life to accompany you. It is not easy to find an opportunity, although I am very picky because I have a perfectionist personality. But once I choose something, I will go all out and operate it until the day of collapse. It’s not that I am not good, but that the domestic traders are too narrow-minded. They can’t even survive for 3 months and they will run away with money. You should really learn from Yongbeida in this regard. They will give you several years of static returns at any time. It’s hard not to make a fortune.

However, it is true that a great deal only comes once every ten years, just like a beautiful woman’s love for you. If you don’t meet her, you’d rather die of thirst than speculate and hurt your connections. I have been able to stand firm in the cryptocurrency circle for 10 years because I value reputation more than life. To convince people with sincerity and to treat people with trust is the unchanging principle of the leader throughout his life.

Even the best traders have a margin for error. Buffett was so good during the pandemic, but he still said he had never seen such a thing. He could not have imagined that the U.S. stock market would have circuit breakers several times in a short period of time. As for the market, I certainly know that it will fluctuate around 69,000 for a long time, because this is the historical peak. Just like the 19,800 mark in 2019, this is a meaningful position.

There are differences between long and short positions. There are more than 20 market makers in the world, and no one dares to easily pull up the price to make way for other main players. Therefore, the key period of halving will be a horizontal decline. Even if the market crashes, it will not fall much. 60,000 to 58,000 is the best spot to buy the bottom, but it does not necessarily give retail investors the opportunity to buy at a low price.

It takes strength to grab chips. I don't want to follow the wind, but you and I are just small grasshoppers in the currency circle. If I controlled hundreds of millions of dollars in a private equity fund, I would not play the way I do now. If there is any blockchain capital that lacks market value management futures traders, you can find me. I will help you make more money.

Don't I know to cover my position when the market falls, just like the President of El Salvador? Don't I know to be a diamond hand like a pixiao, only in and not out, just like MicroStrategy? The premise is that you and I don't have unlimited bullets, not to mention that I always bet all my assets. How many people dare to gamble Russian roulette with the dog dealer like me? If you lose, you will lose your life. I am fighting for courage, not strategy. Do you get the point? The dimensions are different, there is no right or wrong. I am a person who is ready to go to Mars sooner or later like Musk, and you are a person who is nostalgic for your own small piece of land. The pursuits are different, and the paths of blockchain gameplay are naturally different.

I might go all-in tomorrow, no, maybe in the next second. I'm just kidding you, I just like to chase the rise and sell the fall, I'm a big leek, don't learn from me, I will be scared to death when it's 60,000, and I will kneel down and lick the dog dealer when it's 70,000 to chase the high and take over. You have to do the opposite of me, so that your villa is close to the sea. Whether I tell you or not depends on my mood in the future. If you don't want to get delayed information, then first come to my private board meeting and take the course with a red envelope of 399. We are not on the same boat, what's the point of saying so much, you might as well spend more time with your wife and children. My web3 pirate ship, although old and small, seems to be riddled with holes, but it has never sunk despite the storms. The ticket is so cheap at 399, you don't dare to get on, and you still have the nerve to say that you are here to take risks in the cryptocurrency circle.

The moon sets and the crows cry, and the wind and frost of a thousand years have passed. The singing of the group leader is still missing on the night of the liquidation. How can you and I today repeat the story of being cut yesterday? Can this old ticket of 399 carry you to become a passenger ship that breaks the deadlock?