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If you want to gain a foothold in the cryptocurrency circle, remember these 11 golden rules: 1. When you first arrive, learn first and then make money. How can you make a profit if you don’t understand blockchain? 2. Don’t trust others easily, try more on your own. There are many scammers in the cryptocurrency circle, so be cautious. 3. Join the right circle. Avoid useless open groups and find valuable silent groups. 4. Invest on your own. Other people’s opinions are for reference only, and your own research is the most important. 5. Choose an investment method that suits you. Mainly hoard coins, and try other methods. 6. Don’t fantasize about finding a 100x coin. It’s not easy to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, don’t be tempted by false high multiples. 7. Patience is the key to making money. Learning and being cheated are both a process of growth. 8. Abide by the rules of the cryptocurrency circle. Losses and being cheated are normal, and you must accept them. 9. Combine theory with practice. Practical operation and share experience. 10. You may succeed if you work hard. Focus on improving yourself, don’t worry about others. 11. The financial market is a place for wealth redistribution. It is not easy to make short-term profits, and the dealers and project parties control the overall situation. Remember, there are dealers and retail investors in the currency circle, and retail investors are often the ones who take over. But if you choose to hoard coins, the opportunity still exists. #PDA #Meme #WIF #sui #SHIB

If you want to gain a foothold in the cryptocurrency circle, remember these 11 golden rules:


When you first arrive, learn first and then make money. How can you make a profit if you don’t understand blockchain?


Don’t trust others easily, try more on your own. There are many scammers in the cryptocurrency circle, so be cautious.


Join the right circle. Avoid useless open groups and find valuable silent groups.


Invest on your own. Other people’s opinions are for reference only, and your own research is the most important.


Choose an investment method that suits you. Mainly hoard coins, and try other methods.


Don’t fantasize about finding a 100x coin. It’s not easy to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, don’t be tempted by false high multiples.


Patience is the key to making money. Learning and being cheated are both a process of growth.


Abide by the rules of the cryptocurrency circle. Losses and being cheated are normal, and you must accept them.


Combine theory with practice. Practical operation and share experience.


You may succeed if you work hard. Focus on improving yourself, don’t worry about others.


The financial market is a place for wealth redistribution. It is not easy to make short-term profits, and the dealers and project parties control the overall situation.

Remember, there are dealers and retail investors in the currency circle, and retail investors are often the ones who take over. But if you choose to hoard coins, the opportunity still exists.

#PDA #Meme #WIF #sui #SHIB

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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#今日市场观点 最近好多朋友都在嚷嚷说牛市没了,熊市来了,真是自己嚇自己,我真的是無言。 再次認真地跟大家說,牛市還在,回調只是暫時的。跌了就叫熊市,漲了就叫牛市,這種操作真的要有點智慧好嗎? 比特幣剛剛減半,礦工成本大增(我自己用的是S19PRO礦機,現在都在虧錢狀態),礦工的賣壓已經沒了(除非鏈上生態再火一次,手續費賺翻了),未來賣壓會大減,漲起來只是時間問題。 ETF一旦通過,貝萊德、富達這些頂尖機構接連進場,進場價都在5萬美金以上,現在說牛市結束還太早,機構還在持續進場呢。 就等著好消息來激活散戶,牛市正式爆發,機構要收割的是散戶,不是互相割,跟著機構走,怕啥? 美聯儲還沒降息,真正的放水還沒開始,宏觀環境還要等等,等到降息正式開始後,才是爆發的開始。 回顧歷史,每次比特幣減半後的3個月,就是比特幣正式起飛的時候。 這次減半在4月底,那麼7-8月就會迎來比特幣的爆發期,目標是10到12.5萬美金。這幾個月就是等著比特幣整理吸籌,真正的爆發期快到了,別嚇自己。 山寨幣的季節會在比特幣減半後6-7個月來臨,預計今年11-12月會迎來爆發期。 等比特幣市佔率開始快速下降的時候,就是山寨幣爆發的時候。 牛市還在,而且會是超級大牛市。 好好抓住手上的籌碼,別輕易下車,錯過這輪牛市,下一輪還有沒有十倍百倍的空間就難說了,趁著幣圈波動率還在,珍惜機會,把握未來。#OMNI #DOGE #ENA #OP

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