The big non-agricultural data was released, with a published value of 30.3%, a previous value of 27.5, and an expected value of 20, which was much higher than expected and much higher than the previous value.

The employment data is still hot, which will still cause great pressure on inflation. For the current Federal Reserve, which takes reducing inflation as its core purpose, the optimistic expectations of short-term interest rate cuts have been reduced.

However, I personally feel that this data will be revised after it is released.

It should be noted that although the data is bearish, it still depends on the impact of the US stock market. The delay in interest rate cuts is already a preparation made in advance by the risk market. The US stock market is more likely to fall slightly and then rebound after opening.

As for the crypto market, there is obviously no big change at present. We are waiting for the situation of the US stock market. At the same time, the key support has not been tested, so don't panic.

The macroeconomic aspects will be explained in detail later.