What is the origin of the crypto option Cex Coincall pair? What capabilities does the platform token $CALL have?

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1. What is Coincall?

Those who are familiar with me should know that during the second options academy organized by Signalplus and Coincall, I taught two basic options courses at Coincall. It was at this time that I first came into contact with and used this Crypto The challenger of options is also a real catfish in the market. Why do you say that?

I have laid out a few pain points that Coincall solves for everyone to take a look at. Is it cowhide?

① The most comprehensive altcoin options exchange on the market

This should be very objective. You must know that our players who have played crypto options in the past few years have only BTC and ETH to play. I don’t even look at the fundamentals of altcoins. Coincall currently has Sol, doge, xrp, kas, ltc, matic, link, trx, fil, and bch.

However, frankly speaking, whether it is the current bull market or the several crypto bull markets in history, high-quality altcoins are the most explosive. If we reasonably allocate assets to altcoin spot or option positions, then the odds can be maximized.

In this way, our overall investment portfolio will be very comfortable in terms of investment comfort, and the overall basket of targets will also rise in rotation.

Presentation: After one side sings, the other side appears, just like the BCH blowout after the recent#DogeKas.

I made a 1367% profit on Doge before.

② What is the biggest pain point in options trading solved at present?

Options trading has always been a very niche field in crypto. In addition to the slightly higher threshold for learning options, one of the most important reasons is that options have low option liquidity at individual points due to factors such as exercise price and expiration time. not good.

The emergence of Coincall is indeed groundbreaking. BTC's low spread option bid 1 and ask 1 can reach a spread of 1-5 US dollars. Can you imagine it?

How much market maker resources have been invested to achieve the price difference of such a mechanism is full of sincerity.

Not only is the price difference low, we can also look at the depth. The depth of around 50 BTC can basically meet the needs of medium-sized and ordinary large traders. If you want to trade more than 100 BTC, then directly trade in bulk.

③ Don’t rush to expand the market, don’t rush to spend money on advertising, start with education

Old investors know the market rhythm of cryptocurrencies. How many project parties are getting anxious now? How many early chicken soup bloggers have started to set up paid groups and rebates?

As for coincall, including when we first cooperated with our 4ce labs, our friends were also very shocked. It was the first time they heard that there was no KPI account opening assessment for cooperation with exchanges, but they just wanted us to output some popular science articles.

Can you stand this situation? Just ask

④ What are the shortcomings of Coincall?

Coincall came to the world of crypto options with solutions, but she is not perfect. In the future, there are still a few problems. If they can be solved as soon as possible, it will be another step forward. I have more reason to believe that she will play a more important role in this market.

1- Get margin PM trading done as soon as possible

2- How to improve the stability of the exchange (VPN, etc.)

3- Disclose more fundraising information with the release of tokens, etc.

2. How is the Call token and how much is it worth?

① What is the token economy?

The total issuance volume is only 300 million. Compared with other Cex, the issuance volume is very restrained. Detailed players can make a comparison. Then, combined with the initial liquidity and token unlocking plan announced in the future white paper, the valuation of its token will be very sexy. (As shown below)

② What are the application scenarios of tokens?

Conventional exchange fee deductions must be available;

Launchpool is also fine;

These are not new

The point I paid attention to recently is the follow-up plan of Coincall Dex

The on-chain Dex options market is actually a unicorn similar to the perpetual futures market DYDX. Why?

Because the difficulty of option liquidity and the complexity of risk control are not something that ordinary entrepreneurial Dex teams can handle, then Coincall, a player with sufficient options Cex, will open up this market, which is full of narrative space.

In terms of chain selection, Coincall chose the most stable ETH L2 and Sol to do it simultaneously. On the one hand, it has mature technology. In addition, Sol's overall high TPS and high popularity also leave enough room for imagination for the high TVL of subsequent Dex.

Coincall's Dex model is expected to be similar to the aggregated and decentralized order model of DYDX and aevo, which will be able to solve many KYC issues in a compliant manner and is expected to be capped this year.

The overall Dex launch will empower the platform coin#Callmore.

③ Does Call token have a repurchase mechanism?

The deflation of platform coins is actually the most powerful guarantee for subsequent value empowerment. According to the information currently released, the platform will use 30% of quarterly profits to repurchase Call and destroy it. That is, the overall 300 million Calls are getting less and less.

3. I have so many Call tokens, how to deal with them?

Call tokens will be launched in the middle of this month. If the secondary market price is lower than 1 US dollar, I will continue to increase my position.

If the Call token is 3-6 US dollars, I will sell 20% of the position to pocket, and the remaining position will be sold according to the rhythm of selling big cakes as the overall bull market progresses.

However, I will keep the overall 20% Call tokens for the pattern, and look forward to greater blessings when Dex is launched.

Overall, I think the defense + offense of this selling strategy is relatively balanced and comfortable.

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