How to dominate the currency circle

1. Only deploy in bear markets

You must be patient and try your best to buy at the bottom of a bear market (although it is impossible to buy at the bottom of a real bear market). The conditions for judging the bottom of a bear market are simply that no one pays attention to Bitcoin anymore. When the currency circle is lifeless, you can buy multiple times intermittently. , this period may last for 1 year or even longer.

2. Only buy mainstream coins

BTC and ETH will always be the kings of the currency circle, and buying in a bear market is absolutely correct. Although it cannot rise exponentially, if you buy in the bear market and hold until you sell in the bull market, an increase of more than 50% will definitely occur. The first choice for big funds.

Exchange platform currency: such as BNB

Relatively strong basic chains: such as SOL, AVAX

Good infrastructure coins: such as MATIC

Strong consensus coins: Dogecoin, SHIB (I don’t recommend strong consensus coins, because they have little use value and rely entirely on the number of people buying them to create strong consensus)

You can only be heavily stocked in mainstream currencies, and never be heavily stocked in altcoins. The logic of altcoins is to cut leeks, and many types of altcoins will be born in every bull market. The altcoins that are soaring in this bull market may become completely silent in the next bull market. Overshadowed by the high shine of new altcoins. Without inside channels and information, it is almost impossible to bet on an altcoin and buy it before it explodes. Usually, you only learn about the existence of a certain altcoin after seeing its skyrocketing price. At this time, it is already too late to follow up. Maybe if you are lucky, the currency will continue to rise, but there is a high probability that it will fluctuate and fall. Altcoins fluctuate too much, and ordinary people cannot hold on to them regardless of whether they rise or fall. It is often a small profit and a big loss. In the end, it's all a loss.

3. Sell in the middle of the bull market and do no more operations later.

In the early stages of the bull market, BTC will slowly rise, outperforming others, and drive ETH to rise. At this time, some good mainstream coins followed suit, other coins rose slowly, a few altcoins surged wildly, and most altcoins had no movement.

In the middle of the bull market, BTC and ETH fluctuated and rose, mainstream currencies began to rise, and altcoins began to take off.

In the late bull market, BTC fluctuated and fell, ETH may continue to rise, mainstream currencies have surged one after another, and the high-profile altcoins of the second round of bull market have surged several times, even dozens or hundreds of times.

At the end of the bull market, BTC fell by thousands or even tens of thousands of points, and then recovered slightly. The first plunge recovered quickly, giving people the illusion that it was just an adjustment.After two or three such declines, the bull market is over. If you are trapped at this time, please stop having illusions and stop losses in time. Otherwise, the principal will be dragged into the bottomless abyss.

4. Don't gamble on luck in the bull market

There are many opportunities in the bull market, especially in the middle and late stages of the bull market, when altcoins are flying around, and many altcoins have skyrocketed many times, which makes people jealous. People are eager to follow up or choose some altcoins that are optimistic but have not yet exploded to start with heavy positions, and they are still confident that they will soar. It is best not to have such a mentality, which is completely gambling, and has nothing to do with investment.

In every round of bull market, many altcoins that cut leeks will be born. These altcoins are full of gimmicks, the background looks very strong, and the rise is very fierce. Please resist the temptation, and you will know who is swimming naked after the tide recedes. When BTC plummets and the bear market comes, these altcoins are cut in half, cut in feet, or even close to zero.

If you really can't resist the temptation, you can only follow up with a very small amount of funds. Even if you make a small profit, don't go all-in with a heavy position. Don't, don't, don't. This is gambling, and gambling can't always be lucky. I'm not afraid that you will make a hundred times, but I'm afraid that you will lose all your capital if you lose only once. Don't fantasize about getting rich by investing heavily in a cottage currency. This is the same as buying a lottery ticket and fantasizing about winning the jackpot. It is a super-low probability event. It's okay to play with small funds as entertainment, but it's a thousand mistakes to treat it as an investment.

5. Be more patient and less impulsive

After buying in the bear market, you need to wait patiently until the bull market sells. Don't operate during the rise and fall. Waiting during the period requires patience.

After selling in the bull market, wait patiently for the bull market to collapse and enter the bear market. It may take one or two years. Don't be impulsive to buy at the bottom of the mountainside, and wait patiently for the moment of falling to the bottom.

After selling in the bull market and making money, don't be tempted to play cottage coins. If you really want to gamble, you can only use up to 10% of your funds.

6. The principal is always the most important. If you are trapped by careless operations, it is most important to keep the principal as much as possible. When the currency circle collapses, you should be willing to cut losses in time to keep most of the principal and the basic market. Then there is still hope for a comeback.Wait patiently for the currency market to fall into the abyss, and use the remaining principal to buy the bottom. Don't be trapped and die with the collapse of the currency circle. Many times you buy the trapped currency and sell it before the currency circle collapses, losing up to 50% of your principal. If you ignore it, let it fall, and hold on to the end. When the currency falls to the bottom along with the currency circle, there is almost no possibility of starting over with the remaining principal.