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##MAV I told you the password I also told you the password to open the combination lock. Food is in your mouth, I say it, brothers who have been paying attention to Lao Ai for a long time Open strategy, you can eat it I'm not the kind of blogger who only sees orders when I win. Just pay attention to my public media square for a long time. Ideas and techniques are what you should specialize in I can also teach or take orders But what's the use? There are a lot of teaching videos on the market. You won’t even watch the videos produced by the great masters. I don’t think the basic teaching videos I made will be better than theirs. You will know it after watching them. I can also post orders every day to attract you to join the VIP group Can I follow orders for the rest of my life? What’s important is that you can learn something in the market, it can help you make money, you can trade independently, and you can not get lost. What I like to say most recently is that the bull market may not last as long as you think, and you will lose money very quickly. Communicate with people on the same channel without suffering any disadvantages ##艾叔社区


I told you the password

I also told you the password to open the combination lock.

Food is in your mouth, I say it, brothers who have been paying attention to Lao Ai for a long time

Open strategy, you can eat it

I'm not the kind of blogger who only sees orders when I win.

Just pay attention to my public media square for a long time.

Ideas and techniques are what you should specialize in

I can also teach or take orders

But what's the use?

There are a lot of teaching videos on the market. You won’t even watch the videos produced by the great masters. I don’t think the basic teaching videos I made will be better than theirs. You will know it after watching them.

I can also post orders every day to attract you to join the VIP group

Can I follow orders for the rest of my life?

What’s important is that you can learn something in the market, it can help you make money, you can trade independently, and you can not get lost. What I like to say most recently is that the bull market may not last as long as you think, and you will lose money very quickly. Communicate with people on the same channel without suffering any disadvantages


Come on, let’s talk about some practical tips.
Moving average skills
What kind of golden triangle of death, with long and short positions arranged, makes you dizzy and confused.
I usually use three wires: ma20 ma120 ma 200
Daily line ma120, boldly enter the spot, what I said
4hma200 line lick rebound
15 MA20 determines the short-term strength, and the demon currency will always move around this line.

No matter how many skills there are, why not summarize what level I only need one line?

Isn't this mav's entry into the market on the 120th day line? If the pie rises by 15 points, it's 30 points. Isn't it not good enough?

[See Figure 2 for pressure]
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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【5.5日行情研报——跌了就等更低筹码,涨了比谁都能追高,你在割肉,我在进场,你要追涨,我在减仓,赌突破?抱歉突破回踩我在加回来。价格行为是有规律可循,一蹴而就的行情,只有YY的时候才有】 --------------------------------- 1. BTC 明天收周线,月线先向下插针收回,5.65就成为了阶段的支撑,必然是不能破,破了就进入真空,大的跌幅就能出现 周线明日收线高于6.25之上,则周线收阳,下周震荡横盘就是山寨的机会 日线连收三日阳线了,日线支撑同样以6.25防守 【昨日 以6.35 6.45两处压力做的回调预期】 15m级别 出现了背离 量价没跟上,现在1h级别同样开始有了 ,这种情况只要不是起量,就要做好回调的准备 压力: 6.45 6.58 6.65 【刚收线 依然可以背靠6.45做,这个位置已经失效,同步过来晚了】 支撑: 6.25 6.15 6.05 2.ETH 以太 3125 3150 两处都到了 下方只要 回调不破2960 就还是看涨结构 配合大饼做吧 压力 3150 3250 3350 支撑 3050 2960 【目标到了都是容许 回踩回调的 多空 就是目标位做短暂回调 由小到大,多就是回踩支撑区做,没必要去猜 这里看涨 看跌 讲大级别趋势,回调,讲日线看涨,日内目标到压力了看回踩,所以你问我趋势,我说的未必就是你参与的周期,交易不是多空,清楚的明白你要做哪一段行情,才知道怎么做】 3.山寨 做好板块布局,不要押注一个币,一个板块 如果你不是一名老韭菜,就不要押注一个,山寨季真的来的话,你会焦虑的,频繁换车拿不住是大忌 所以板块的布局,很重要 热点,基础设施类的是必须有的 好币很多 不懂板块布局,把币安去年到几年上的新币赛选一遍

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