What will be the future trend of Ethereum?

Everyone should still remember the passing of the Bitcoin ETF. Before the passing of the Bitcoin ETF, the rise was great. After the passing of the passing, it fell to the position of 38,000. It can be said to be tragic at the time, and many altcoins were cut in half.

Now is the Cancun upgrade of Ethereum. After the upgrade, the correction started immediately. Many L2 also fell sharply. The market was full of curses, but it is often at this time that the situation will reverse.

Now the Ethereum ETF application is in full swing. Whether it can be passed, I initially thought that the probability of passing is more than 90%. Since BTC can pass, what can't ETH pass? It's just that on the way through, the banker must go through various operations on the news, just to wash off retail investors' cash and harvest funds from the contract.

If you think about how to choose now, I would like to give some advice to those who are optimistic about ETH. There is no doubt that the next big bull market will come, and all the tokens in the ETH series have already corrected, and there is no room to explore further. It’s big, so the first thing is spot, long-term players, you have to hold on, shit can fly when the bull market comes, why can’t the narrative of ETH, the second largest one in the currency circle, take off? You have to reject any voice that tells you to give up. Moreover, the sectors are rotating, and it will naturally come to you when it’s your turn.

Secondly, there are contract players. In fact, I don’t have much advice for contract players. I personally do not recommend doing contracts in the bull market. In the bull market, the spot price already has its own leverage, and the risk of opening a contract is too high. If you definitely want to play, you can do it. You must control the capital ratio and only play with contracts with small positions. If you play with big positions, you will be the fuel for the bull market to rise.

I will give my operations and suggestions. If there are friends who don’t know how to operate in the bull market, you can follow me. When the bull market starts, there is a lot of gold.

Take fewer detours and avoid mistakes = make more money

I wish all my friends can seize the opportunity and make a fortune in the bull market

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