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What happens to people who lose money in currency speculation? Some are on the rooftops, some are completely reduced to beggars in life, some are working hard to regain their blood through the bear market, and some have disappeared from the currency circle and become the publicity ambassadors of the currency circle's "scam"... Everyone's subsequent results are different. What I can figure out is that they all lost money in the currency circle. After so many years of career in the currency circle, I have discovered a pattern. People who really lose money in the currency circle usually lose a lot of money. They basically take out their own books and try to take a gamble here, but they lose the bet at that time. .. Because the theoretical money-making effect of the currency circle is too strong, many people make money in the currency circle very quickly. During the bull market, they can often double their money in a day. Investing in some junk projects can sometimes increase their profits by ten or dozens of times. .. At this time, investors began to make calculations. As long as I invested all my money, I would be able to achieve financial freedom in a short period of time. The more I think about it, the more excited I become, as if there is a golden mountain in front of me, and as long as I take one step, I can reach the pinnacle of life. Therefore, after several torturous ideological struggles, I decided to take a gamble and thought that my luck was not so bad. As long as I won, I would be in the stars. When you really take that step, you will find that the outcome of the matter is far beyond your control. The results are of course self-evident. We all have to think about the same thing: for some projects that can grow ten or dozens of times in one day, how much money is there in total in their capital pool? If you invest millions, do you have to take away all the money in the entire capital pool to achieve your wealth goal? However, do you think you have the ability to take away all the money in the pool? Since the birth of the currency circle, among all the junk projects, I have never seen a single case where retail investors were able to take away the pool. Everything is under the control of the banker. When a big fish enters the pond, the first goal is to eat the big fish. This is the cruel reality. What happened to these people afterwards? 1. Most people have exhausted their savings, or even become heavily in debt or bankrupt. Some people sit on the high-speed train and cry looking at their suddenly liquidated accounts... 2. Life falls into darkness. If you have a family, your wife and children may be separated. If you don’t have a family, it will bring devastating disaster to your parents. Starting a family and buying a house will become a luxury... 3. It’s time to move bricks, and it’s time to go to the factory to drive screws... I used to think that hundreds or thousands of dollars were nothing, but now a few dollars for takeout is very good... 4. It is extremely easy to become depressed psychologically. Under long-term stress, anxiety may lead to depression, and life will be on the road to no return. 5,....#炒币 #币圈新人 It takes three years to enter the industry, five years to master it, and ten years to become the king. Trading is not about getting rich in one go, but about making reasonable profits that can be long-term, stable, sustainable, and highly probable, so that you can continuously obtain wealth. Professionalism creates value and details determine success or failure. I am the God of Wealth, a veteran in the currency industry, and I only tell the truth. If you are interested in the currency circle and want to get started quickly but feel confused, please follow me and contact me through the homepage. I will provide you with real, valuable advice to help you move forward steadily. Let’s explore, grow and create brilliance in the currency circle together!

What happens to people who lose money in currency speculation?

Some are on the rooftops, some are completely reduced to beggars in life, some are working hard to regain their blood through the bear market, and some have disappeared from the currency circle and become the publicity ambassadors of the currency circle's "scam"...

Everyone's subsequent results are different. What I can figure out is that they all lost money in the currency circle.

After so many years of career in the currency circle, I have discovered a pattern. People who really lose money in the currency circle usually lose a lot of money. They basically take out their own books and try to take a gamble here, but they lose the bet at that time. ..

Because the theoretical money-making effect of the currency circle is too strong, many people make money in the currency circle very quickly. During the bull market, they can often double their money in a day. Investing in some junk projects can sometimes increase their profits by ten or dozens of times. ..

At this time, investors began to make calculations. As long as I invested all my money, I would be able to achieve financial freedom in a short period of time.

The more I think about it, the more excited I become, as if there is a golden mountain in front of me, and as long as I take one step, I can reach the pinnacle of life.

Therefore, after several torturous ideological struggles, I decided to take a gamble and thought that my luck was not so bad. As long as I won, I would be in the stars.

When you really take that step, you will find that the outcome of the matter is far beyond your control.

The results are of course self-evident.

We all have to think about the same thing: for some projects that can grow ten or dozens of times in one day, how much money is there in total in their capital pool?

If you invest millions, do you have to take away all the money in the entire capital pool to achieve your wealth goal? However, do you think you have the ability to take away all the money in the pool?

Since the birth of the currency circle, among all the junk projects, I have never seen a single case where retail investors were able to take away the pool.

Everything is under the control of the banker. When a big fish enters the pond, the first goal is to eat the big fish.

This is the cruel reality.

What happened to these people afterwards?

1. Most people have exhausted their savings, or even become heavily in debt or bankrupt. Some people sit on the high-speed train and cry looking at their suddenly liquidated accounts...

2. Life falls into darkness. If you have a family, your wife and children may be separated. If you don’t have a family, it will bring devastating disaster to your parents. Starting a family and buying a house will become a luxury...

3. It’s time to move bricks, and it’s time to go to the factory to drive screws... I used to think that hundreds or thousands of dollars were nothing, but now a few dollars for takeout is very good...

4. It is extremely easy to become depressed psychologically. Under long-term stress, anxiety may lead to depression, and life will be on the road to no return.

5,....#炒币 #币圈新人

It takes three years to enter the industry, five years to master it, and ten years to become the king. Trading is not about getting rich in one go, but about making reasonable profits that can be long-term, stable, sustainable, and highly probable, so that you can continuously obtain wealth. Professionalism creates value and details determine success or failure.

I am the God of Wealth, a veteran in the currency industry, and I only tell the truth. If you are interested in the currency circle and want to get started quickly but feel confused, please follow me and contact me through the homepage. I will provide you with real, valuable advice to help you move forward steadily. Let’s explore, grow and create brilliance in the currency circle together!

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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那些靠虚拟币发财的人现在都在干嘛? 粉丝投稿: 上班呗,套现了200万左右,剩下400万多吧还在币里,没必要都卖了,以后还会涨的。 200万也没什么用,买房子不够,也没必要买,自己花的话没什么想买的,本来我就是清心寡欲,最大爱好就是读书,对消费、商品没需求,也是因为读书才理解的比特币。 所以钱就分了,给老婆一些,给老妈一些,让她们高兴高兴,我自己留着些零花就行了。换了台辉昂,性价比不错,外卖可以随便点几十元的了,打车随意了,游戏随便买了,不过我这些总体来说都在小钱范围内,心里有数,牢牢控制的,每月也就零花二三千。毕竟由奢入俭难啊,一旦放开了欲望的闸门,那就填不满了,我是清楚自己需要什么,也明白商品的最大意义是什么,所以没什么非必要需求,也就花不了多少钱。 之后继续上班,从不提比特币,在一个事业单位,主动去了没人愿意去的办公室,没职务,不求当领导,干一堆活,能干什么从没推过,全身心投入了,早来晚走,不关心工资多寡、干多了干少了的问题,反正我不是为了工资干的,也就没什么心态失衡的问题。算是心无旁骛,全身心为人民服务了,身为党员,生活上少了后顾之忧,还有什么理由不认真工作践行初心使命。 可以某种程度上说,目前我的快乐确实不再是可怜的、有限的、狭隘的了,就算我的幸福到不了属于千千万万人的高度,至少也属于全单位的几百人了,因此心态特别好。认真工作、照顾家庭、读书学习、助力复兴,这样生活挺好的。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过煮页来连戏财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #ETH

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