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Some facts about currency speculation: 1. Patience is the first element of currency speculation; 2. There is no currency that keeps rising. If you stick to point 1, you will always have the opportunity to buy a target with suitable price/performance ratio; 3. When KOLs in the Chinese area are overwhelmingly calling for orders, the stage top has reached, and you can consider reducing your position at this time; 4. Paying attention to the KOL of one or several currencies in the long-term path is far better than paying attention to the KOL recommended by a bunch of currencies; 5. Stay away from contracts and stick to spot goods; 6. Buy when no one cares, insist on independent thinking; 7. Always leave a part of U, don’t fill it up, the market will always give you the opportunity to buy the bottom; 8. It is important to maintain the liquidity of assets; 9. It is enough to grasp a few core tracks, hold a few coins heavily, and win the bull market. Don’t try to seize all opportunities, don’t create anxiety for yourself, just seize the opportunities within your cognitive range; 10. Small wealth depends on cognition, and big wealth depends on fate. Accept the arrangements of fate and live your life well.

Some facts about currency speculation:

1. Patience is the first element of currency speculation;

2. There is no currency that keeps rising. If you stick to point 1, you will always have the opportunity to buy a target with suitable price/performance ratio;

3. When KOLs in the Chinese area are overwhelmingly calling for orders, the stage top has reached, and you can consider reducing your position at this time;

4. Paying attention to the KOL of one or several currencies in the long-term path is far better than paying attention to the KOL recommended by a bunch of currencies;

5. Stay away from contracts and stick to spot goods;

6. Buy when no one cares, insist on independent thinking;

7. Always leave a part of U, don’t fill it up, the market will always give you the opportunity to buy the bottom;

8. It is important to maintain the liquidity of assets;

9. It is enough to grasp a few core tracks, hold a few coins heavily, and win the bull market. Don’t try to seize all opportunities, don’t create anxiety for yourself, just seize the opportunities within your cognitive range;

10. Small wealth depends on cognition, and big wealth depends on fate. Accept the arrangements of fate and live your life well.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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重磅!香港现货比特币和以太坊ETF即将火热开市,结构独特,让美国同行望尘莫及! 香港的现货比特币和以太坊ETF就要在4月30日闪亮登场了,这次,它们可不是简单地复制美国的模式,而是带着独特的创新结构,让全球瞩目! 据Cointelegraph报道,香港的这批ETF可是与众不同,因为它们已经得到了香港监管机构的批准,即将闪亮登场!这可是一个重大的里程碑啊! 华夏基金的一份报告透露,这些ETF将紧密跟踪芝加哥商品交易所的加密货币指数,让你的投资更精准!而且,赎回时你可以选择法定货币或加密货币基金,灵活性简直爆表!更厉害的是,华夏的加密货币ETF竟然支持美元、港元和人民币三种货币计价,真是方便到家啊! 而且这次中银保诚和加密货币交易所OSL将担任ETF的托管人,这两家公司还将为发行人Harvest Global托管比特币和以太坊ETF现货资产。这意味着你的投资将更加安全、稳定。 同时,香港本地的HashKey Capital也将与博时资产管理公司联手推出比特币和以太坊现货ETF,让投资者们有更多选择。 这次香港现货虚拟资产ETF的获批,还创新推出了持币认购机制,让你能直接用比特币和以太坊认购ETF份额,简直太酷了!这不仅有望推动香港乃至亚洲虚拟资产市场的发展,还可能吸引更多全球资本流入。 更让人期待的是,彭博社高级ETF分析师Eric Balchunas透露,香港比特币ETF的管理费将在0.3%至0.99%之间,虽然比美国的一些现货比特币ETF高一些,但考虑到这里的创新和服务质量,这点费用简直太值了。 这次香港的现货比特币和以太坊ETF它们不仅结构独特,还带来了诸多创新和便利,让投资者们有了更多选择和机会。 ETH资金介入明显,香港ETH的ETF将于月底开放购买,美国的ETH ETF审批很可能获批,许多币圈大佬已开始大量购入ETH,预计5月ETH将迎来一波大涨。
求哥的炒币经验:五日均线法 币圈未来的走势会从盘面反映 我的炒币经验:五日均线法 一个币,它的价格是市场定位的,市场永远是正确的。所以盘面走势,可以反映这个币的趋势。 如果一个币在底部易涨难跌,不断有资金看好买入,只要留心观察几天,确定不是陷阱,基本就可以出手了。 举个例子,现在鸡苗涨价,猪肉也准备涨价,养殖业它的走势现在是易涨难跌,我认为是鸡苗企业将引来资金的青睐。 一个行业,如果经营艰难,产品滞销,价格竞争压力大,企业会因为盈利能力的不足,造成价格无力上涨,资金不断流出,这个价格就会从盘面反映出来,上涨的时候压力巨大,不断有抛盘,而下跌时却一泄千里。 学会观察盘面走势,可以最快看清多方和空方博弈力量的情况,一个行业风口来的时候,行业景气度高了,自然引起资金关注,从而带动价格的上涨。 那么,重点来了,如何观察盘面呢? 说说我自己的经验吧。 从币价踏上五日均线开始观察入场,企稳五日均线开始尝试加仓。如果币价一直在5日均线之前,就一直持币不动,一直到上冲无力,在顶部冲高回落了,4小时见顶信号出来了,开始减仓,如果跌破5日均线就清仓了结。 每个人炒币都有自己的方法,我把自己琢磨出来的这个方法叫五日均线法。 施行的过程其实很简单,当币价踏上5日线入场,当币价跌破5日线清仓,大道至简。 当大行情来时,在5日线上买入好的币种,就一直持仓待涨,跌破5日线,就清仓回避,如此反复循环就行了。就如一个学武之人,花十年时间学100套功夫,不如花十年时间练好一套功夫,大道至简,炒币也是如此,专心研究一种方法,长年累月,就走出了自己的路。 求哥的15分钟短线战法更是出神入化,几乎百发百中,屡试不爽,不服欢迎来辩? #BTC  #ETH

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