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Ignore anyone who tells you to buy a certain Dogecoin and hold it for a few years. Let me talk about my own experience. When I only had tens of thousands of dollars, I always wanted to make it 100 times. Later, when I lost all my money, I would tighten screws and deliver food. Later, I earned my first million in life, and I thought about how to double it tenfold. Later, I just thought about doubling it by 5 times, 2 times... So far, I am only pursuing annualized returns. I am satisfied with 30% compound interest every year. Perhaps I will be satisfied as long as I can outperform inflation later on. I answered a question before, titled "What can I buy in the currency circle if I have 20,000 yuan?" The following is part of the answer: If there is 2w now, don’t worry, wait for the sharp drop before and after the halving, and buy decisively. Don't listen to some people's nonsense about waiting for the pie to fall below 10,000. 5,000 to buy again, this kind of thinking is too naive in the trading circle. The market situation is based on the general environment, rather than predicted. Next, if there is a sharp decline about three months before the halving (Bitcion drops 10%), buy half position a, and buy it after the halving depending on the situation. Just buy it without hesitation. Here’s the key point, 2w depends on the increase in the pie, which is not enough for freedom. The reason for buying the big pie first is because of the sector rotation logic of the currency circle. Editor, the bull market sucked the market up first, and then the copycats made up for the increase, and each section took turns to pull up. Then Big Pie makes the final charge, and the fomo mood is as high as ever It becomes trendy, and then it makes headlines on various platforms, and then you understand. OK, let’s continue. If you buy the pie, hold on to it. You don’t have to hold on to it for too long. Half a year after the halving, many new concept coins will be released. You must keep an eye on it if you want to buy it. New Coin 9 generally washes the market for one to two months. Just find the right opportunity to buy and then hold on. Back to the title, how to play 2w. It's very simple, but also difficult. In the bull market of one and a half years, follow the hot spots and have a keen sense of smell. You only need to grasp 3 Just 5 times the coin can outperform many people. Why is 2wx5x5x5=250w so difficult? The difficulty is that keeping money is like being a widow. Why simple? Cow every round There are thousands of times coins in the market, there are also hundreds of times coins, and coins with dozens of times times are everywhere. I am a fanatic. The bull market is surging. If you don’t know what to do now, click on my avatar and follow me. I will share the bull market spot layout, contract password, and skirt for free. I need fans, you need reference, follow me to avoid getting lost in the currency circle #BTC #icp

Ignore anyone who tells you to buy a certain Dogecoin and hold it for a few years.

Let me talk about my own experience. When I only had tens of thousands of dollars, I always wanted to make it 100 times. Later, when I lost all my money, I would tighten screws and deliver food.

Later, I earned my first million in life, and I thought about how to double it tenfold. Later, I just thought about doubling it by 5 times, 2 times...

So far, I am only pursuing annualized returns. I am satisfied with 30% compound interest every year. Perhaps I will be satisfied as long as I can outperform inflation later on.

I answered a question before, titled "What can I buy in the currency circle if I have 20,000 yuan?"

The following is part of the answer:

If there is 2w now, don’t worry, wait for the sharp drop before and after the halving, and buy decisively. Don't listen to some people's nonsense about waiting for the pie to fall below 10,000.

5,000 to buy again, this kind of thinking is too naive in the trading circle. The market situation is based on the general environment, rather than predicted.

Next, if there is a sharp decline about three months before the halving (Bitcion drops 10%), buy half position a, and buy it after the halving depending on the situation.

Just buy it without hesitation. Here’s the key point, 2w depends on the increase in the pie, which is not enough for freedom. The reason for buying the big pie first is because of the sector rotation logic of the currency circle.

Editor, the bull market sucked the market up first, and then the copycats made up for the increase, and each section took turns to pull up. Then Big Pie makes the final charge, and the fomo mood is as high as ever

It becomes trendy, and then it makes headlines on various platforms, and then you understand.

OK, let’s continue. If you buy the pie, hold on to it. You don’t have to hold on to it for too long. Half a year after the halving, many new concept coins will be released.

You must keep an eye on it if you want to buy it. New Coin 9 generally washes the market for one to two months. Just find the right opportunity to buy and then hold on.

Back to the title, how to play 2w. It's very simple, but also difficult. In the bull market of one and a half years, follow the hot spots and have a keen sense of smell. You only need to grasp 3

Just 5 times the coin can outperform many people. Why is 2wx5x5x5=250w so difficult? The difficulty is that keeping money is like being a widow. Why simple? Cow every round

There are thousands of times coins in the market, there are also hundreds of times coins, and coins with dozens of times times are everywhere.

I am a fanatic. The bull market is surging. If you don’t know what to do now, click on my avatar and follow me. I will share the bull market spot layout, contract password, and skirt for free. I need fans, you need reference, follow me to avoid getting lost in the currency circle

#BTC #icp

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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Suister崛起:SUI生态下的去中心化发射平台引领牛市投资新机遇 在牛市的初期,市场逐渐进入屯币阶段,投资者们纷纷寻找高收益的机会。其中,一级市场以其高收益高风险的特点吸引了众多目光。相较于二级市场,一级市场涉及的是未上市的项目,因此存在更多的未知性和潜力。例如,币安往期的IEO项目平均收益高达20倍以上,甚至有个别项目如AXS实现了惊人的1646倍收益。 近期,一个名为Suister的项目在一级市场中崭露头角。Suister是SUI生态下的去中心化发射平台,随着SUI生态的日益繁荣,Suister也迎来了用户和战略发展的巨大增长。根据SuiVision的数据,Suister已完成超过540万笔交易,并拥有超过20万个活跃地址,这充分展示了其在SUI生态系统中的重要性和受欢迎程度。 图像 Suister的优势在于其信息丰富的Launchpad应用程序,为投资者提供了全面的项目信息。此外,它还通过限制投资上限、保证代币分配、提供客户支持以及合理的平台费用等措施,为投资者提供了公平、安全、便捷的投资环境。特别是,Suister的代币经济设计合理,代币分配和锁定期的设置有助于控制市场上的代币供应并保护投资者的长期投资。 在融资方面,Suister也取得了显著的成绩。它已完成了500万美元的融资,由OKX Ventures、dao 5和Hashed等一线加密货币基金共同领投,并获得了SUI官方和DWF机构的战略投资。这些融资和战略投资进一步证明了Suister项目的潜力和市场认可度。 总体来看,Suister作为SUI生态下的去中心化发射平台,在牛市的背景下具有巨大的发展潜力和投资价值。然而,投资有风险,投资者在参与一级市场时需要谨慎评估项目风险并做出明智的决策。对于Suister这样的被顶级资本投资的牛逼项目,可以重点关注 #BTC #ETH
2024年币圈大牛市,不靠技术如何实现10倍以上回报 首先第一点,在币圈是可以实现的,甚至很多人都买到过不少30倍以上的币可是为什么币圈很多人最终却并没有把这百万,千万装进口袋呢?原因也很简单,赚钱不排除有运气的成分,但是运气能助你,也一样可以阻碍你 其一、当你是新人进入币圈时,一定要入对圈子一个专业的圈子能让你少走弯路,少亏钱,更加重要的是会让你知道:在币圈赚钱的真相,这个真相就是a点到b点,坚持现货长线耐心持有 其二、保持长期有效的学习:技术、心态、策略 每个行业都有行规,而币圈的行规就是:自然淘汰制 专攻技术的人,会被市场的黑天鹅干掉;专攻心态的人,会被市场的财富效应带偏;专攻策略的人,会被市场反复洗盘甩下车 所以要学习就要三管齐下,每个都要涉猎,哪怕慢一点,都会好过一支独大 其三、简单相信那些能长期在币圈获利的高人,做交易的人,都是很理性的人,因为金融这个市场只讲结果,不讲经历 所谓的人情世故那是发生在养老行业的,比如:铁饭碗一类 金融市场是没有这一套的,你信这个了,来币圈就是送钱而已,哪怕你资产过亿,亏钱速度和1000块一样所以币圈这类能持续稳定获利,且有自己交易系统的高人,遇到了就抱大腿,毕竟结果能赚钱,在乎那么多干什么 以上的几条,都是能助你在一波牛市轻松实现大回报的途经,能不能做到,取决于你自己的眼界、认知,凡事不要抱怨,更加不要轻易怀疑自己的选择,一旦你什么都不信的时候,那币圈就是噩梦 尤其是现在市场韭菜群太多,各种负能量爆棚,社会的压力又大,加上全世界这么动荡,一步错就会步步错,最后跌入谷底,暗无天日 喜欢现货,想一起滚资金,屯牛市现货的点击头像,关注我,无偿分享,我在圈里等你 工-重-耗:狂徒说币,条件真实玩家即可, 在当前起伏的市场变化中,盲目单干永远不会带来机会 #BTC #ETH #pepe回調
币圈最重要的趋势是什么?一直都是模因币 忘记减半吧。 也别提ETF了。 那么,加密货币领域最重要的叙述是什么?模因币!!! 是的,那些经常令人畏惧的动漫、动物界和动画动物园是新用户进入加密货币的主要入口。 人们总是问:“下一个十亿用户将来自哪里?” 答案很明确——唯一剩下的问题是狗是否会戴帽子。 在自我托管、现实世界资产和 DeFi(当然我也是其中之一)的粉丝们嗤之以鼻之前,让我们先考虑一下模因币及其相关空投持续受欢迎的一些非常正当的原因。 首先是娱乐。 人们喜欢娱乐,并且不介意为此花钱。 普华永道分析师表示,全球娱乐和媒体市场的价值远超 2 万亿美元,与所有加密货币的整体市值相当。 与治理代币或稳定币相比,$DOGE、$PEPE 或 $BONK 的效用是什么? 娱乐本身就是一种实用工具。 人们也容易被风险所吸引。 根据 的报告,仅全球赌场业的价值就超过 1500 亿美元,并且还在不断增长。 这不包括体育彩票或人们投入相对较少的钱以希望赢得相对较多的钱的所有其他方式。 (用投资术语来说,就是“机会不对称”。)显然,购买模因币会带来很多此类风险,但在潜在的空投活动中投入时间、资源和精力——奖励的金额和时间是不确定的—— 无可否认,这也是一种充满赌博刺激的体验。 组织和建设者支持模因币和空投,因为它们可以为生态系统带来流动性。 它们还有助于抓住极其宝贵的“注意力经济”的一部分,经济学家估计其价值为“数万亿美元”。 可以说,$BONK 空投和社区活动是重新点燃 Solana 生态系统的打火机。 或者看看 Ordinals 和现在的 Runes 如何将比特币变成一个炙手可热的网络,而不是被动的数字黄金式价值储存手段。 根据我的经验,我可以证明,愚蠢的模因币确实可以在网络层面产生非常积极的影响。 新用户被娱乐价值和空投潜力所吸引。  能够确保 memecoin 供应的网络可以将这些资源引导到战略领域的目标增长领域,在我们的例子中,是 DeFi、游戏、现实世界资产、DePIN、人工智能等。 虽然模因币是甜蜜的,但苦涩的问题是:除了模因币之外,从用户体验的角度来看,我们在加密领域很大程度上创建了一个非常糟糕、非常困难的系统。 赌博和彩票构成了传统金融体系的阴暗面,但至少它是参与金融体系的一种简单方式。 Memecoin 在加密货币和 DeFi 中扮演着类似的角色——它们是我们拥有的最好的入口。 如果购买 $DOGE 或最新的 Solana 会引导某人探索更广泛的加密生态系统,那么这对于每个相信区块链技术和治理的民主化潜力的人来说都是一场胜利。 但如果加密生态系统的其他部分提供了如此糟糕的用户体验——或者不被新的 memecoin 持有者认为有用——那么今年新生的牛市将成为另一种纸牌结构,注定会再次崩溃。 泡沫破裂或宏观经济状况接下来会发生剧烈变化。 模因币目前再次炙手可热。 现在是“认真的”建设者网络并向新用户展示真正价值,以及利用狗狗币引起的关注的时候了,因为无法保证它们会持续到下一个周期。 #BTC #ETH #Doge🚀🚀🚀

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