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Bitcoin BTC halving countdown: 29 days, is there a black swan plunge? There are 29 days left until the Bitcoin halving. The closer to the halving time, the more confusing the market direction becomes. People who want to enter the market are afraid of a big drop, and those who don't enter the market are afraid of the market rising. Many people even don't know whether it is the beginning of a big bull market or the end of a small bull market. What is going on in the bull market? If you don't solve this series of problems, it will be difficult to do a good job in trading. You will always be worried about the ups and downs. We don’t rely on guesswork, we only look at the objective facts on the market From the market point of view, a cross harami was closed last week, which means that the market is about to start to fluctuate. As analyzed by our internal circle on March 11, there were signs of bull weakness near important positions, so there was a sharp rise in the short term. The probability is very small. On March 12, Bitcoin reached 73,000 US dollars, which proved to be a bullish temptation. The cross line closed last week verified the judgment of entering a shock. From the daily perspective, a bullish engulfing was closed the day before yesterday, but it was not the most effective. It can be seen as a shock signal here. What we can see from the market so far is that there is no sign of a sharp decline. The market trend changes rapidly. Sometimes the meaning of the direction changes when a key daily closing closes. In our circle, everyone will be reminded of the critical moment. In the process of market rising, it is not all smooth sailing. There will be countless shocks and callbacks, and there are pressure levels one after another ahead. Just like our trading journey, from outsiders to insiders, we will encounter countless difficulties and pressures. When you encounter difficulties and pressures, you can actively seek breakthroughs, and your life can move towards a bull market. When you encounter difficulties and pressure, you stagnate or even go backwards. If your capital is limited and your support is insufficient, you will plummet. If you want to get up again, it will only be harder than it was before. When there are difficulties and pressures, don’t choose to wait in confusion. The longer life fluctuates and there is no direction, the law of nature will be followed [the law of entropy increase]: without the intervention of external forces, if a person closes his own thinking system, the entropy value will continue to increase. Eventually falling into chaos and disorder Just like an apple, if left outdoors naturally, it will only gradually rot Seeking strong external forces to break through is to fight against your entropy increase. When you come to the investment field and encounter difficulties, you should actively look for solutions. If the problem is not solved, it will not disappear automatically and will get stuck in every transaction you make. Talking back to the black swan event, everyone has a different definition. Some people have weak ability to resist risks and cannot identify risks. Maybe a 10% fluctuation is a black swan. In the previous bull market, 3.12 in 2020 was a black swan event for many people, but for us, it was an opportunity to buy the bottom on 3.17 May 19, 2021 is a black swan event for many people, but we identify risks and avoid risks. From April to May 17, all positions have been cleared to escape the top. It is not our black swan event. The black swan lies not in the market but in oneself If you feel helpless, confused and unclear about the direction of trading right now, you can consult me. I welcome everyone in the May small circle #BNBChain #RONIN $BTC

Bitcoin BTC halving countdown: 29 days, is there a black swan plunge?

There are 29 days left until the Bitcoin halving. The closer to the halving time, the more confusing the market direction becomes.

People who want to enter the market are afraid of a big drop, and those who don't enter the market are afraid of the market rising. Many people even don't know whether it is the beginning of a big bull market or the end of a small bull market. What is going on in the bull market?

If you don't solve this series of problems, it will be difficult to do a good job in trading. You will always be worried about the ups and downs.

We don’t rely on guesswork, we only look at the objective facts on the market

From the market point of view, a cross harami was closed last week, which means that the market is about to start to fluctuate. As analyzed by our internal circle on March 11, there were signs of bull weakness near important positions, so there was a sharp rise in the short term. The probability is very small. On March 12, Bitcoin reached 73,000 US dollars, which proved to be a bullish temptation. The cross line closed last week verified the judgment of entering a shock.

From the daily perspective, a bullish engulfing was closed the day before yesterday, but it was not the most effective. It can be seen as a shock signal here.

What we can see from the market so far is that there is no sign of a sharp decline.

The market trend changes rapidly. Sometimes the meaning of the direction changes when a key daily closing closes. In our circle, everyone will be reminded of the critical moment.

In the process of market rising, it is not all smooth sailing. There will be countless shocks and callbacks, and there are pressure levels one after another ahead.

Just like our trading journey, from outsiders to insiders, we will encounter countless difficulties and pressures. When you encounter difficulties and pressures, you can actively seek breakthroughs, and your life can move towards a bull market.

When you encounter difficulties and pressure, you stagnate or even go backwards. If your capital is limited and your support is insufficient, you will plummet. If you want to get up again, it will only be harder than it was before.

When there are difficulties and pressures, don’t choose to wait in confusion. The longer life fluctuates and there is no direction, the law of nature will be followed [the law of entropy increase]: without the intervention of external forces, if a person closes his own thinking system, the entropy value will continue to increase. Eventually falling into chaos and disorder

Just like an apple, if left outdoors naturally, it will only gradually rot

Seeking strong external forces to break through is to fight against your entropy increase.

When you come to the investment field and encounter difficulties, you should actively look for solutions. If the problem is not solved, it will not disappear automatically and will get stuck in every transaction you make.

Talking back to the black swan event, everyone has a different definition. Some people have weak ability to resist risks and cannot identify risks. Maybe a 10% fluctuation is a black swan.

In the previous bull market, 3.12 in 2020 was a black swan event for many people, but for us, it was an opportunity to buy the bottom on 3.17

May 19, 2021 is a black swan event for many people, but we identify risks and avoid risks. From April to May 17, all positions have been cleared to escape the top. It is not our black swan event.

The black swan lies not in the market but in oneself

If you feel helpless, confused and unclear about the direction of trading right now, you can consult me. I welcome everyone in the May small circle #BNBChain #RONIN $BTC

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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最近和有些粉丝聊天,发现大家对于币种布局这块,比较迷茫,很多人基本布局的币种至少都在8个以上,要说关注看好的币种,列出来起码得有十几二十个 但具体问起投资的这些币,你都了解吗?无一例外,都讲不出头绪,都是听别人说好,我就买了 这可是投资,真金白银的投资,有些人拿自己平日省吃俭用存了几年的积蓄,有些人还是贷款的资金来搏一搏机会 大家平时上菜市场买个5块钱的菜,都要挑选比对半天,选个最好的,但是在金融市场买起币来,比买菜还要随意 那在币圈投资,到底要布局多少个潜力币最好? 肯定不是越多越好!越多你的资金越分散,打不出力,尤其是你还不清楚这些币是干什么 我们要思考,选币目的是什么,是想同样一波牛市里 第一   能跑赢比特币,以太坊 第二   收益确定性更大 第三   在前两个基础上,收益最大化 这也是五月圈里牛市选币的原则 所以我所在设驱才需要花费几年时间去精心,从众多板块,成千上万的币种里去反复推演,研究,筛选 最后把研究成果,以报告的形式,给到每一位五月圈的小伙伴们,研究报告里会精炼出所有重要信息,让我们了解币种的价值点、未来发展、为什么而投,同时,投资后,研究部也会一直追踪最新进展 清清楚楚投资,才能拿的住,明明白白获利 接下来,选择潜力币,我们需要考虑哪些因素呢? 第一:风险性 币种符不符合这波牛市区块链行业的发展,是不是无论这波牛市如何叙事,我所布局的币种,都能启动 这就需要对区块链行业的发展有很深的了解,这个门槛就已经过筛了80%的币种,因为大部分是不确定性的,要么不成熟,或过时,或过早 第二:回报率 确保了安全之后,在剩下的20%里优中选优,强中选强,这波牛市谁的爆发潜力更大,价值被严重低估的 如何估值,这需要对每个币种背后的公司,技术,未来发展,有长期的研究,这里又过筛了只剩5% 第三:时机 币圈是有板块轮动的,选好的币种,不是你随时想买就买,要配合市场时机,在该板块启动之前,提前去布局,时机结束迅速离场,好币种的投资回报才属于我们 这就需要对币圈牛市板块叙事,有丰富的经验,同时要有【交易系统】: 技术判断买卖点,策略去把子弹排兵布阵,心态去知行合一 这就是一个完整的,币圈从选币,到布局,我们所需要经历的过程 当然,你也可以简化,要么你在专业的圈子里,有人专业的人帮你做这些事情 要么自己不懂,到处花时间精力找消息,布局下,最后你能接受随意的结果就好 最后给大家一个建议:布局的币种,不在数量,在于质量,就像你选择人生伴侣一样,质量比数量更重要 真正有潜力的币种,就算你布局3个5个,一波牛市,也能让你成功上岸,翻身,人生少奋斗几十年 我经常感叹自己很幸运,在币圈这个复杂的市场,可以遇到我所在的良心设驱 每一个投资的币种,每个月都会给我们最新月报,一点一滴解读,让大家都能看得懂,清楚币种的价值 还会教我们区块链的知识,投资思维,看懂盘面 等等,全方面在培养我们每一个人 我之所以分享,是因为我因此受益,我感恩我的设驱,同样,自己淋过雨,也希望为他人撑把伞 我曾经也是币圈小白亏过大钱,没有方向,因为有我设驱这样的存在,才让我今天能够在这里给大家做分享 所以如果  你想来了解这个行业,想要学一些真本领,想做好投资,想把握住时代趋势,想改变自己的命运 那么,希望通过我的文章,为你打开这扇窗,让你知道币圈,有这样一个全心为所有伙伴考虑,有实力,走正道的设驱#比特币减半 #WIF #ENA $SOL $DOGE
一茬茬老韭菜,沉迷所谓的“减半大跌”,想着抄底,导致手里现在还没比特币,妥妥被刻舟求剑,狠狠地割了一茬。 还有一堆人,再所谓,519,312大跌,我也有2层多仓位在等,也不知道黑天鹅能不能来? 为什么说,别等待减半啊? 道理很简单,比特币早期,矿工持有量的确占大头,很大程度上能够影响行情,减半导致的成本上升,会让小矿主发生踩踏,导致下跌。 但随着市场发展,这套币圈铁律是否适用?我表示怀疑。 站在市场经济学角度,供需决定价格,眼下很明显,各大机构,各种老钱,都在抢币,不愁卖出,暴跌恐怕不太可能。 你要说减半没影响,也是胡说八道,但影响,个人判断,远不及从前,用户体量有这么大,反脆弱性大大增强。 前些年,买山寨土狗的那些个韭菜,也已经明白了,大饼才是王,其他都是骗,有句话说得好,所有山寨币资金,最终都会留向比特币。 有人说,我周围韭菜,都买山寨土狗,谁买比特币啊?……笑死,散户才多少资金?看看项目方,有几个不是把自己发的空气跟你换比特币?这才是大资金。 绝大多数山寨币,都是给大饼做嫁衣。 等抄底的,都被反操,事实也证明, 别豪赌,建底仓,逢低加,是稳健策略。 一句话,别把自己炒成赌徒,坏终生 当下要是你还没有信心,不知道买什么币,又看不懂行情一定要慎重选择,也欢迎主叶进村庄跟着我们一块操作#比特币减半 #sui #WIF $ENA $SOL
今天上午btc再次叠破6万,但没想象中的大瀑布,对空头来言是比较失望的,多头信心有所增强,大饼从去年到现在三次最大的回撤也就是22cm左右,现在其实到了一个非常关键的位置,上次还是去年2.5w的时候,那时候连续三次不破,最后一次假破诱空,然后直接起飞,这次剧本会不会这么演谁也不知道,现货的话分批进一些总归是没问题的,下午走势有所反转。 还是比较符合昨天所说的v型走势,那不管是周二直播还是裙里都有提醒大家6w位置的关键性,到了这个位置就可以考虑去超低一波短线。今天有心的朋友都能吃到10cm的肉肉。 那今天在这里给大家一个秘诀,大回调超低哪些b,能迅速获利,首先大家可以去观察一下,因为这几天的大饼动不动上下五千点,俏皮的很,更多的也是让大家摸不着头脑,但其实也是有规律可寻的,这几天大饼每天都在测试下方6w位置, 上方6.4,小白都到门道了,在这个区间目前进可攻退可守,只要四小时没破6就还是安全的,那遇到这种大v反弹的时候,我们就要去选择一些涨幅大的。 今天据我观察有两个,在这两天都是收获20cm以上,一个是jto,一个是wif,当然其他还有很多,我不可能全部关注,大家有空话也可以多去看看k线走势,选择适合自己的,meme也是不错的选择,这个思路之前也有讲过,meme已经成为主流。并且这个位置即使是买入现货被套了,也是不用去慌的,因为很多山寨其实已经处于白菜价,不坚定的人已经被洗下车,而且目前我依然坚持之前的观点,牛市还没有结束。 后面一定还会有一个爆发期,也就是所谓的山寨季,或许是几个月之后,但是没关系,做时间的朋友,焊死车门不下车。不得不说这个月难度是这两年中最大的,毕竟上次减产的时候大家可能很多人都不在这个圈子,不知道有多挣扎,现在亲眼看着就觉得很难,目前整体的情况可以用千钧一发来形容,就是6w近在咫尺,就看愿不愿意下去了,只要下去,一定会出现抄底的黄金时期的,比的就是谁能坚持到那个时候并且准确捕捉到底部。 那这时候最搞人心态的就是网上一堆乱七八糟的言论,让人更加恐慌,成为击倒大家的最后一根稻草。而且最近看空情绪很重,很多人说区块链就是泡沫,最终都会归零,币圈的信仰在大饼上,我个人依然是看好大饼的,谁再说大饼是骗局,那不好意思只能说认知不同不必强融。 所以在这里跟大家说的是不管网上别人怎么说,自己心里要有一个底,相信大家只要进入这个市场都知道,涨涨跌跌太正常了,这个时候我们要做的就是静下心来,提升自己,为迎接大牛做准备。趋势一旦形成,不会反转。#比特币减半 #WIF #ENA $SOL $BTC
今天受到伊以冲突的影响,早间黄金美元飙升,比特币再次跌破60000,但随着伊朗对冲突的回应可以看做是减缓了进一步恶化,本身黄金和美元同时飙升就不是太对的,美元的上涨和今天美联储的一个票委说今年有可能不会降息有关,但我觉得都是在嘴炮,是否会降息,什么时候降息,几次降息,都需要数据的支持,打嘴炮是没用的 昨日ETF整体净流出69枚,主要流出依然是灰度,其他家都在买,昨天首次流出的BITB,今天又回来了,灰度的整体流出已经快要超过50%了,但势头依旧不减,这确实完全超出了我的预期,当然这和美股的走势有着莫大的关联。 美联储从2022年开始缩表后,从上个月的会议纪要显示,联储开始考虑放缓缩表速度了,这也算是一个经济政策的拐点,代表了逐渐由收紧转向宽松。 当前距比特币第四次「减半」发生预计剩余约 16 个小时,剩余区块 100 个。第四次减半即将来临了,虽然这次可能受到减半的影响并没有那么大了,但依然是我们牛市进程的一个重要里程碑。 TRC20-USDT发行量突破578亿枚,创历史新高! 自2024年以来,TRC20-USDT 发行量增加近90亿枚。截至目前,TRC20-USDT持有账户数已达4100万,累计转账数超16.7亿笔。 发行多少其实我不太关心,主要是累积转账16.7亿笔,一笔收1U的手续费,知道孙哥为啥那么赚钱了么?波场生态发展成什么样真无所谓,这转账手续费才是真正的YIN CHAO JI。 我们前天提到的STH-MVRV目前看非常有效,到了1附近价格就开始反弹了,这个指标后续可以持续跟踪。 行情解读 大饼因为伊以冲突减缓,再次反弹,从结构来看,60000这个底已经连续探了4次都没有效破位了,美股目前也到了一个关键的支撑位,只要后续不会再有大利空,宏观方面不能再继续影响币价,我是认为这应该就是短期的底部了,到底是不是底部大家自行判断,但至于会不会反转,目前看应该没那么容易,因为通胀数据导致是否降息,何时降息,降息多少的不确定性依然存在。 二饼联动,汇率依然还在跌 对于山寨,大饼上到70000我可能才会考虑减一减仓,把仓位再减到合理的位置。目前没有其他计划。 今日恐慌贪婪指数:66(贪婪) 当下要是你还没有信心,不知道买什么币,又看不懂行情一定要慎重选择,也欢迎主叶进村庄跟着我们一块操作#比特币减半 #WIF #ENA $SOL $DOGE

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