This K-line carries my memory. I watch it every day. I can recite his daily trend and what happened at key nodes.

On December 18, 2017, Bitcoin plummeted after reaching the top, and I met my future master. He told me calmly: "The rebound here is the last chance to escape, and the plunge is coming."

On May 5, 2018, the eos wave began to fall, and the leeks were wailing everywhere. The people were in dire straits and began to deceive themselves. I just looked at these people and the plummeting coins in my hand, telling myself that I could never become them.

​December 15, 2018, Beijing, heavy smog. Bitcoin has hit rock bottom, there are no project partners, no money, everything seems like the industry is really over. My brother had spinal nerve pain and I took him to the hospital crying. Confusion and powerlessness swept over me.

Around March 22, 2019, several big guys shouted to buy the bottom, indicating that a rise was imminent. What doesn't kill you will eventually make you stronger.

On May 1, 2019, the group was celebrating the rise of Bitcoin, but I was deceived by Gouzhuang and left the company without any long orders. I told myself to work harder. My friend gave me one thousand usdt, which became my only principal in the future.

On October 24, 2019, I was in Hainan. The top leader asked me to learn blockchain and boarded the cctv. At my friend’s wedding the next day, many bosses and I saw the big positive line with our own eyes. Suddenly, the groom turned around and lifted the bride's red cloth hijab.

On March 12, 2020, I was eating hot pot at home and watching the most tragic day in the currency circle coming. I don’t know how many masters lost all their chips overnight. I looked blankly at my account, and there was no trace of BTC.

In the summer of defi in September 2020, uni airdrop! I had just found a job, and my product manager excitedly held my hand and said: "I never thought that one day, a person I had never met would airdrop tens of thousands of dollars to me. The currency circle is really interesting. ”

On May 19, 2021, Mingpai led a group of bosses to short BTC. They withstood great pressure and finally succeeded in shorting. After dinner in the evening, my friend said I wanted to buy the bottom, so I said wait a minute. As soon as he got into the car and the car door was closed, the DeFi chain liquidation plummeted by 40% in one second. Many friends who escaped the disaster excitedly sent me money. I sat down beside the flower bed and laughed for a long time thinking about 312.

On December 11, 2022, I took my first trading class out of boredom. During the last class, a certain VC suddenly asked: "Is the bottom now?" I hesitated for a while and told him, "It's almost the bottom, you can buy." I turned around and saw sol on the blackboard. We successfully bought 15,800 BTC at the bottom, and sol for less than 9 yuan.

In mid-March of 2023, while on vacation with my family in Hainan, Master asked if he knew about ordi. As soon as I listened to the narrative, I knew that if this was done, it might be a big alpha. This is a narrative replica of rsk. Quickly call your friends and ask them to research immediately and buy ordi immediately. Later I found out that I was the only one who responded to my master that day, and no one else bought ordi.

On June 9, 2023, my parents had a car accident. I was in very bad health. I didn’t sleep for almost a day. On the 14th, Bitcoin plummeted. The fund’s LP called me frantically. I read research reports on a cold chair outside the operating room. , the money Ordi earned just saved his father.

On November 21st, at the scene of my friend's proposal, I looked at the sunset passing over the top of the church that day, lamenting that time was running out, and thinking about the new bull market layout. In the evening, many people enthusiastically asked me everything about the inscription.

On January 11, ETF passed. The old guys in the group burst out celebrating. In the past, people called us money speculators. Now we are truly pioneers. In the past, my mother didn't know how to introduce my work when she went out. We would all say that we are "stinky money speculators". Only we can understand the bitterness of it. But now when I go out to introduce my work, others all think highly of me and ask for consultation on WeChat.

On March 11, the spot price of BTC on Binance exceeded 70,000 and reached a new high. Welcome to the new era. Welcome to the blockchain, this is where I was born and raised.

I have a bright pearl that has been locked up in dust for a long time.

Today, when all the dust is gone, light shines through thousands of mountains and rivers!

Come on, let’s continue the party! #热门话题 #ETH #sol #BTC #FIL