A typical characteristic of the bull market is the rapid creation of new funds, and#Binancedemonstrates this vividly.

On March 12, Binance announced the new Lanchpool project: ether.fi ($ETHFI). The project provides liquidity staking services, with a cumulative financing of 32.3 million US dollars. The current TVL exceeds 3 billion US dollars, the total token supply is 1 billion, the initial circulation is 11.52%, and Binance Lanchpool releases 2%.

Interestingly, although Binance has invested in multiple projects in the ReStaking track, ETHFI is not among them. The official announcement of this issue of Lanchpool was actually earlier than the opening of the previous project #AEVO, which is unprecedented in my impression.

After thinking about it, I personally think that Binance’s listing of $ETHFI is worthy of careful study, and it more or less sends the following signals:

①There is a new method called “Binance Speed”

When it comes to the wealth creation effect, Binance’s new projects are second to none. If you can get involved in these projects in advance, the rate of return is often amazing. Even if you sign in and check in without any technical content, you can still make a lot of money.

In terms of the speed of new releases, Binance used to be not fast, and even a bit slow. However, in recent months, Binance has been releasing new issues one after another, and the speed is so fast that many people scream. The latest issue is even more exaggerated. The previous Lanchpool project has not yet been launched, while the latter new project ETHI has been pushed to the public.

The biggest beneficiaries of this are undoubtedly BNB holders, who have not only enjoyed the astonishing increase in BNB, but also can buy a bunch of new coins for free, with an average annual return of more than 130%.

If you hold BNB, don’t forget to mine $ETHFI: https://t.co/wv8B7j1NdT

②Binance loves the leader in segmented tracks

Whether it is Lanchpad or Lanchpool, Binance’s past innovations have often focused on projects invested by Binance Labs, forming its own closed loop. However, the latest issue of Lanchpool has surprised many people.

In the ReStaking track, although Binance has invested in multiple projects, ETHFI is not included. ETHFI was able to debut on Binance thanks to its leading address. It ranks first in the TVL of the Ethereum ReStaking track and is also the first new ReStaking project to be launched on Binance.

Regarding the information about ETHFI, Twitter has been flooded. I will not go into details here. If you are interested, you can directly check the Binance research report: https://www.binance.com/zh-CN/ research/projects/etherfi

In short, Binance’s new launch reminds us: regardless of whether Binance has invested or not, leading projects in each segment that have not yet issued coins hope to be favored by Binance and are worthy of in-depth participation.

③The ReStaking track may usher in a currency boom

Since last year, top institutions including A16z have invested heavily in the ReStaking track, followed by a bunch of staking projects, each of which will drain your wallet.

Today, Binance has launched ETHFI, the leader of the Ethereum ReStaking track, which is tantamount to stimulating the entire track and can be regarded as a turning point. Next, the ReStaking track may usher in a wave of currency issuance, and TVL’s leading protocols will announce decentralization one after another.

Therefore, don’t be stingy with the bullets in your hands, and continue to charge forward with leading institutional investments and pledge projects that have not yet issued coins. I particularly recommend Puffer and Renzo who invest in Binance. The TVL of these two buddies is closely behind ETHFI. There is a high probability that they will make new investments in Binance. Although they are very high, they cannot be short-term.

#Binnace #内容挖矿 #lanchpool #ETHFI