Binance's new Lanchpool project Notcoin started mining today and will last for 3 days, releasing 3% of the total tokens:

Notcoin has always been regarded as the Meme of the Ton ecosystem. The gameplay is very simple. You only need to click on the mobile phone screen to start mining. It has neither awesome technology nor grand narrative, nor the support of top VCs. Even the white paper is blank.

However, such a small game has attracted 30 million users through virality, with a daily active user base of 5 million, beating a number of VC-backed superstars in terms of data. The funny thing is that most of the superstars’ data comes from endless PUA activities.

I still remember that in December last year, I posted this project in a WeChat group. As a result, most group members chose to ignore it. A few of them participated out of curiosity, but ultimately did not stick with it, including myself.

Looking back now, although it is a pity, I have no regrets. Even if time could go back, those who did not participate would still not participate. The fundamental reason is the lack of knowledge about the Ton ecosystem and the lack of sensitivity to market trends.

Through this incident, we should think more about the logic behind it. The entire market may no longer be what we think it is, and some conventional rules are quietly changing.

1. The logic of new listings on leading exchanges is changing

Before Notcoin, when people speculated about Binance's new projects, they would invariably turn their attention to the big projects that were invested by leading institutions. It seemed that only such projects could catch Binance's attention and bring high returns to users.

However, when Binance announced that the new Lanchpool project was Notcoin, what you thought might really become “what you thought”. As the world’s largest exchange, Binance’s new listings have the strongest wealth-creating effect, and every move will directly affect the younger brothers behind it.

Today, Binance is taking the lead in breaking the rules, which may bring about a chain reaction and requires us to embrace change.

2. Institutional trading is no longer the only hot commodity

All along, whether it is for haircuts or secondary speculation, institutional investors have always had a higher priority. However, since last year, more and more projects have been using PUA in various ways, with reverse haircuts in the primary sector becoming the norm and secondary stocks being trapped being commonplace.

On the contrary, last year's inscription explosion made a large number of retail investors rich, and this year's Meme market also made a group of local players rich.

Today, Notcoin once again reminds us: value investment is understandable, but Memecoin, which is fairly launched and community-oriented, will give retail investors more opportunities to turn things around.

3. No mutual takeover, traffic is king in a bull market

If the bull market is still there, it is really a "bull market where no one buys in". A typical feature is that the secondary performance of VC coins is far below expectations, and they fall drastically, while Memecoin rebounds the most violently every time.

In the final analysis, the market lacks incremental users, and all kinds of dazzling narratives are actually a game of existing users. In this case, whoever has a large number of users and fission capabilities is likely to stand out.

Notcoin has attracted 30 million users in just a few months since its launch, which is a phenomenal phenomenon. In today's world of scarce traffic, who is Notcoin slapping in the face?

4. Chinese and foreign VCs jointly invest in Ton ecosystem

Notcoin is listed on Binance, which once again promotes the TON ecosystem to the public. Compared with other Layer1, TON continues to benefit from Telegram's huge user base and traffic entrance (registered users exceed 1.3 billion and monthly active users are nearly 900 million).

VCs have already sensed the value of this, especially Pantera, which announced a major stake in TON some time ago. The investment in TON is the largest in the history of the fund. LD Capital, a Chinese-backed company, is also optimistic about TON: "The TON ecosystem is currently in a relatively early stage, but with the huge number of users backed by Telegram, its development potential is unquestionable."

5. These Ton ecological projects are worth paying attention to

The fact that the top exchanges have rushed to list Notcoin is a huge boon to the entire Ton ecosystem. Since many friends still don’t know how to play Ton, here is a summary of the Ton ecosystem compiled by Wuyan (From: @WY_mask):

In addition, the TON Foundation announced the latest list of funding, and 14 projects including EdChess and TBook were selected. Those who are interested can ambush: