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Looking back at history, in the past 40 years, there have been eight opportunities for Chinese people to achieve a class jump. However, if you look carefully, the first seven times were all games for the elites. Only Bitcoin is an opportunity for ordinary people. The first time: the college entrance examination in 1978, suitable for academic masters The second time: township enterprises, suitable for related households The third time: dual-track system The fourth time: Doing business overseas in 1992, a feast for system people The fifth time: WTO’s foreign trade dividends are also opportunities for property owners The sixth time: Real estate, an opportunity for wealthy people to grow their wealth The seventh time: The Internet, exclusive to top academics and returnees The eighth time: Blockchain, suitable for everyone To retail investors #BIBI #BIBI社区 #BIBI社区更加美好的未来 #BIBI的成功不是偶然,而是必然 #BTC You can pay attention to bibi, it has a very good community. We focus on building, not shouting.

Looking back at history, in the past 40 years, there have been eight opportunities for Chinese people to achieve a class jump. However, if you look carefully, the first seven times were all games for the elites. Only Bitcoin is an opportunity for ordinary people.

The first time: the college entrance examination in 1978, suitable for academic masters

The second time: township enterprises, suitable for related households

The third time: dual-track system

The fourth time: Doing business overseas in 1992, a feast for system people

The fifth time: WTO’s foreign trade dividends are also opportunities for property owners

The sixth time: Real estate, an opportunity for wealthy people to grow their wealth

The seventh time: The Internet, exclusive to top academics and returnees

The eighth time: Blockchain, suitable for everyone

To retail investors #BIBI #BIBI 社区

#BIBI 社区更加美好的未来

#BIBI 的成功不是偶然,而是必然


You can pay attention to bibi, it has a very good community.

We focus on building, not shouting.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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接上文~ 3.开电报群预热的,先拉来人,弄一对人来跟复读机一样在哪里水群,营销没错,可是你这营销都不如ave热搜的就别拿来了,还有的,抢我钱的,我都不想骂,拿张p的截图说已经ave热搜付款了来这里割韭菜,以后真的要远离,重点是拉一帮人,说这个团队进场了,那个团队进场了,这个社区来了,那个社区接盘了,真的假的啊,一看就骗韭菜的,结果一点儿不做事,最后一盘散沙 💢💢💢 4.一天天一直在哪里喊单的,一波流常用套路,拿一堆看似是利好的利好,尤其是蹭热点,甚至是蹭热点的仿盘,真的要小心,蹭很正常,也有道理,但是不做事,只喊单骗韭菜就不对了 尤其是一堆人啥也不说,就在那里喊起飞,涨了起飞,跌了归零,这不是一波流这是啥💢💢💢 一堆人在哪里复读点那个蓝色的,到多少多少市值,只会喊单,只喊单,怎么可能会有单! 🤬🤬🤬 5.还有一个可以观察这个项目的推特,如果说几个粉丝都没有,或者连蓝V都没有,而且没流量,不做事,那趁早远离,小心被割! 总之,一波流土狗项目就是爱喊单,放几个利好出来喊单,fomo一阵子过去就割了,风险非常大,真的需要小心! 😘😘😘🚀🚀🚀🚀 那么好的项目应该观察啥呢? 1. 社区是否活跃: 活跃不活跃要仔细看,不是那种弄几个机器人在哪里聊来聊去的就是了,要有真人在参与! 😋😋😋 2. 社区氛围怎么样: 社区氛围尤其不要太浮躁,稍微fomo是没问题的,但是千万不要只喊单,水群的人应该有很多都是坚持建设的人,多想办法去建设,fomo的是建设和愿景,而不是币价! 😜😜😜 3. 看项目方或者社区核心建设者有没有在做事,就比如多搞一些活动来活跃社区,以及积极对接合适的项目与资源来赋能都是非常重要的! 🤩🤩🤩 接下文~ #热门话题 #BIBI #BTC #BNB
典型一波流土狗特点!(别走超长文!!!创作不易,点个赞吧球球了😭😭😭) 以及好的项目应该观察啥? 近期,随着 #BTC    突飞猛进,持续爆拉!甚至换算成RMB已经突破了历史新高!从某种角度上,也宣告着这一轮前所未有,史诗级狂暴大牛市正式拉开了序幕,牛市真的已经来了!除此之外,一众MEME巨头如 #DOGE #PEPE #BONK 也有了一个夸张的涨幅,BSCMEME 龙头 #BIBI 也蓄势待发,正在启动,前几天也有了一个好的涨幅!众所周知,牛市的时候,你就是真的买一坨屎,那他也会涨,因此,如何选择一个好的涨幅的标也就显得尤为重要!如何选择我们后面慢慢分析,今天先来聊聊如何规避一些典型的一波流土狗这个事儿! 这里我就之前所见所闻如实写出来,肯定有不全的,以及不太准确正确的,还请大家在评论区分享一下查漏补缺,谢谢大家! 典型一波流土狗特点: 1.ave热搜!@aveaiofficial 真的,球球你格局大点儿吧,花钱买热搜,你能挣钱是这样的,但是格局大点儿吧,不然名声真的会越来越差的。 不过其实这个跟ave本身关系可能没有那么大,问题在于一个土狗刚出来一堆人喊着要上ave热搜啥的,好像不上这个项目,这个币就要马上归零一样,项目方呢,也很会割,放个截图就说我上了,现在这ave口碑真的没那么好了感觉,热搜那几个都跟着割韭菜,真的要小心,希望ave能够改进,变好,谢谢! 😍😍😍 2.项目方墨迹的,不干事的,只会画饼的,我吐了,之前碰到一个土狗项目方,真的是,币圈时间紧迫性这么急,还这么磨叽不做事,让干啥不干事,没有格局,就想着割,随时失联,你个项目方,社区帮你做事还得舔你呗,这咋搞啊,这肯定不行啊,连个好的沟通都没有💢💢💢 接下文~ #BIBI #热门话题 #BNB

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