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"Audi (ORDI) vs. Pokémon (SATS): A battle of leading leaders, why am I more optimistic about ORDI?" #SATSUSDT In this battle for market capitalization, ORDI leads the pack with a market capitalization of 1.4 billion, while SATS only has a market capitalization of 1.2 billion. Although SATS has potential growth, personal logic believes that ORDI is the true spiritual leader of all inscriptions. Although ORDI's market value is slightly higher, its aggressiveness and degree of dishwashing are far better than SATS. ORDI's chips have experienced many battles, while SATS is a relative novice. In terms of long-term holdings, I personally prefer ORDI because its market value only differs by 10-20%, but it shows stronger growth potential. Friends who like spot trading and pursue capital appreciation may wish to consider ORDI's long-term strategy. If you want to share the joy and strategic layout of the bull market, click on my avatar, roll funds together, and share the dividends of the bull market. #ORDI/USDT

"Audi (ORDI) vs. Pokémon (SATS): A battle of leading leaders, why am I more optimistic about ORDI?" #SATSUSDT

In this battle for market capitalization, ORDI leads the pack with a market capitalization of 1.4 billion, while SATS only has a market capitalization of 1.2 billion. Although SATS has potential growth, personal logic believes that ORDI is the true spiritual leader of all inscriptions.

Although ORDI's market value is slightly higher, its aggressiveness and degree of dishwashing are far better than SATS. ORDI's chips have experienced many battles, while SATS is a relative novice. In terms of long-term holdings, I personally prefer ORDI because its market value only differs by 10-20%, but it shows stronger growth potential.

Friends who like spot trading and pursue capital appreciation may wish to consider ORDI's long-term strategy. If you want to share the joy and strategic layout of the bull market, click on my avatar, roll funds together, and share the dividends of the bull market. #ORDI/USDT

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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2024.4.22币圈资讯解读 对ETF上周的整体情况做一个回顾,上周整体还是净流出的,净流出了1626个饼,但对于ETF的整体成交量是明显要比以往低迷很多的,不仅是流出,流入也非常差,应该是目前成交量最低迷的一周了,可见美股宏观与外界因素方面的影响对ETF的影响最大。所以加入了ETF后,我们要关注的信息面要更广泛,这才有助于我们理清逻辑。   比特币在4月20日完成了减半,减半当天,比特币新生态生态RUNE协议(符文)开始上线推广开来,一股打符文热潮倾袭而来,受到打符文热潮的影响,据 glassnode 数据燃石,4月21日比特币矿工单日收入达 1.067 亿美元,创历史新高。联动影响了BRC20(铭文)的上涨,所以说比特币生态能看出谁是最大的受益者了吗?为什么会推动一个一个的“X文”和生态的崛起,这其中背后的逻辑和矿工们有着不可分割的联系。但符文目前暂时没有一个像ORDI SATS 这种巨大爆款的出现,也许大家在铭文一波流以后,都变得谨慎了,如果没有爆款出现,那这生态火不起来,必须出现一个爆点,才会有人冲。 一则疑似孙哥的链上数据被捕捉,据 Lookonchain 监测,疑似 Justin Sun 地址自 3 月 31 日起已于 Binance 向 Tron 存入 7.87 亿枚 USDT,同样在 3 月 31 日,一个神秘的钱包在 Ethereum 上创建,并从 Binance 中提取了价值 9680 万美元的稳定币。如果猜测属于,那么孙哥 已从 Binance 和 DEX 以平均 3,014 美元的价格总计购买了 295,757 枚 ETH(约合 8.91 亿美元)。不管是不是孙哥,这位巨鲸这么大肆的购买ETH一定是有逻辑的,非常有可能是去restake又吃又拿,而且买这么多,我认为应该不会是裸买的,肯定有对冲手段,又或者是有什么小道消息之类的。 本周香港ETF有望上市交易,我们可以期待一下上市后的资金流入情况,尤其是对于以太坊的。 比特币生态最大质押L2:MERLIN 的治理代币MERL上周五上线OK了,表现很一般,空投的过多还有他上线的时间点和选择拥抱的对象应该是导致价格没有炒起来的主要原因,不过目前流通市值大约2亿美金,对比他的TVL来说是有些低估了的。 ———————————————分割线———————————————— 行情解读 大饼牛回了吗?我说还没有,68000上不去,就没有牛回的事,但反弹的很好这是事实,目前正处于4H级别的阻力位置,这个位置遇阻的话,会调整一段时间,我感觉会出现12-24小时的调整后才能看清方向,短期右侧支撑位置在63500。日线级别5连阳,上触布林中轨,也是反弹的压力位,所以未来几天很有可能会再次出现调整,不过别慌。调整是正常的。 二饼联动,并没有因为巨鲸的增持而强势起来 对于山寨,这次反弹的多的一是前期跌的多的AI板块,二就是MEME板块,MEME板块应该要成为这次牛市一个主线了吧,反正这回我信了。 今日恐慌贪婪指数:73(贪婪) 如果你也有想法,我们可以一起探讨(公重号搜索:哈希叫兽)  

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