According to the Daily Planet, the dYdX community forum has released a new proposal to reduce the minimum deposit amount required for users to submit governance proposals from 10,000 DYDX to 2,000 DYDX, and extend the maximum deposit period from 2 days to 7 days. The proposal was proposed by Chorus One to encourage community members with less funds to participate in on-chain governance activities and provide community members with more time to meet the proposal requirements to promote the development and growth of dYdX. The current deposit amount is about $28,000, which may be a heavy burden on community members and limit their ability to participate in on-chain governance. The proposal also points out that increasing the deposit period will provide greater flexibility for community members who want to propose proposals on the chain. If the proposal does not encounter strong objections, the community may conduct an on-chain vote as early as Monday, February 12.