Pay attention, only when there are differences is there an opportunity. Choosing not to participate is merely a test of intelligence, looking for the first wave of cannon fodder!
Four stages—Rebirth, Excitement, Euphoria, and Crash;
Stage 1: Bear market fatigue, market recovery,
Stage 2: Market warming, increase in buying,
Stage 3: Price increase, elevated sentiment, but the market will experience repeated friction, everyone is hesitant,
Stage 4: Market frenzy, speculators and large companies rush in, bubbles form.
These four stages correspond to six kinds of emotions—
First stage: Not believing it will rise.
Second stage: Believing it will drop further.
Third stage: Rising to disbelief.
Fourth stage: Rising to belief.
Fifth stage: Not rising, not believing.
Sixth stage: Not believing it will fall.
If you want to avoid every pullback, you will inevitably miss every rise. This round of bull market profitability is hampered by frequent pullbacks. No matter where you buy in, if you want to make several times your investment, you will inevitably have to endure long periods of consolidation torture. In other words, the possibility of making money without putting in some effort is almost zero. As retail investors become increasingly savvy, high-intensity frequent consolidations are bound to become the norm. Therefore, the first lesson in entering the B circle is to cultivate your own mindset.