In the summer of 2019, I lost all the money in my account and lay in bed, feeling cold all over, despairing that my life was over and that I would never be able to earn that much money again.

Now, every time I think about it, I find it quite funny. Those unforgettable, life-and-death experiences, when I look back, are nothing but little waves in life.

If there is one thing that can support me to continue moving forward every time I encounter a hurdle I feel I can't get over, it is this: everything will pass.

So what if I had glorious moments when I was successful and full of confidence? Everything will pass.

And what if I fell into a low point where nothing seemed to go right? Everything will pass.

Therefore, when you are making a fortune, don't be too arrogant; when you are suffering huge losses, don't be too discouraged. Keep an ordinary heart, and remember that trading is just a small part of life.