Time is irreversible. There may come a day when you have enough funds, a very strong trading mindset, and a trading system, but unfortunately, I must inform you at this moment: you are already old. Some may say that one can trade even when old, and yes, there is no age limit in trading; anyone can do it. However, the trading state we need may no longer be present. Just imagine: would the state at 60 years old be the same as at 30 years old?


So can this problem be solved? The answer will disappoint everyone: there is no solution! Why is there no solution? Every trader's personality, life experiences, family background, education level, physical condition, marital status, the influence of relatives, personal values, views on money, luck, etc., are all different. This leads to different ways of thinking and behaving among traders.


Although the vast majority understand the importance of sticking to a trading system and that losses are part of trading, the reality is that some people are naturally conservative, some are impatient, some are inherently suspicious, some value money above all, and even some have a naturally high secretion of adrenaline (easily nervous). These are all factors that lead traders to experience negative emotions during trading, and ultimately, many give up before they can endure the losing period. In fact, this itself has already far exceeded the realm of trading technology.



