The large pancake rose from around 96900 to around 97200 in the morning, then oscillated down to around 96000, and continued to fall to around 95200. It is currently rebounding to around 95700 and oscillating.

From a technical analysis perspective, the large bearish candlestick completely covers the bullish candlestick, and it strongly breaks down through the key support line from above the moving average, showcasing the strength of the bearish forces. The overall strategy suggests focusing on a high short approach. If it breaks 96450, then look upwards, primarily paying attention to the US stock market opening.

On Wednesday evening, Bitcoin around 96000 could be a point to consider shorting, initially looking at the 93500 level. If it breaks below, then continue to look down to the 92000 level, stopping there. For Ethereum, consider shorting around the 3400 position in the evening, aiming to pull back to the intraday low around 3300, stopping there!