Blockchain developer Kartik Patel launched, an anonymous social platform built on the Farcaster protocol on Thursday, introducing an interface similar to the well-known forum Reddit to promote community-driven discussions while protecting user anonymity.
AnonCast, a decentralized social media application previously launched by Patel, allows users to post anonymously on Farcaster and forward the articles to other platforms (such as X). Users need to hold a certain number of ANON tokens to prove the permission to post. extends AnonCast and uses zero-knowledge (zk) proofs to generate anonymous credentials. These credentials will be stored locally in the user's browser and will not collect any metadata or wallet information.
Users can store credentials in a local wallet or link them to a passkey-based profile. Patel explained that the latter allows articles linked through the same credentials to maintain a consistent identity across different devices.
'Communities' feature
Users of must hold a certain amount of specific ERC20 tokens to post articles, delete posts, or publish on X. The platform includes a 'Communities' feature similar to subreddits, where users with shared credentials can interact within individual communities and perform anonymous actions, such as posting. These communities are supported by a specific token, a shared Farcaster account, and a shared wallet.
By default, credentials are added to your local "wallet". You can optionally add credentials to a passkey-based profile (still anonymous!). This allows you to share credentials between devices and create a public link between your posts using those credentials.
— Kartik (@Slokh) January 1, 2025 initially supports ERC20 tokens on the Base network and plans to support other blockchain networks and credential types in the future.
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