The large pancake dropped to around 93700 after hovering around 94500 at midnight, then rebounded to around 95100. It closed at 94580 in the early hours, and in the morning, the large pancake rose to around 95500, currently retreating to around 94800 and fluctuating.
From the current four-hour structure, the large pancake's momentum has touched the upper band, facing pressure around 95600. The lower focus is around 93800, with secondary attention around 92800. From the one-hour structure, the large pancake's momentum is decreasing, with upper focus around 95400 and lower focus around 94200.
During the day, I believe the large pancake will fluctuate around 95300-95600, looking towards the lower range of 94200-93800, with secondary focus around 93000-92600. Conversely, arrangements can be made for momentum.
The aunt's upper limit is around 3430-3400, looking down towards 3350-3330, with secondary attention around 3300.
Within the range, obtaining power can ensure safety, and strict risk control should be maintained.