Congresswoman is concerned about a bill that ends the issuance of physical money in Brazil in favor of the arrival of the CBDC, Drex.

Dep. Julia Zanatta (PL - SC)

Rep. Julia Zanatta (PL - SC). Photo: Bruno Spada/Chamber of Deputies.

In a live broadcast to explain her bill involving Drex, federal deputy Julia Zanatta stated that she knows how to recognize when the State seeks to restrict people's freedoms.

The deputy stated that Drex is a digital currency that could impose greater social control on Brazilians. To alert the population about the issue, she highlighted that she intends to expand the debates about Drex in the near future.

As already reported by Livecoins, Julia Zanatta is the author of a bill that prohibits the extinction of paper money in replacement of digital currency.

“Drex should be an option, not an obligation,” says Julia Zanatta

Julia Zanatta said that upon seeing the bill that could make possession and carrying cash a crime, she decided to alert the Brazilian population, as many are unaware of the existence of such a proposal.

She points out that the issue should become more discussed in Brazil, which has already led the Chamber of Deputies to approve a public hearing on the future of Drex and cash.

“The risks are more social control in our lives, lack of privacy, ease of taxing your entire life without any option, political persecution and people who don’t know how to manipulate technology making serious financial mistakes. Drex should be an option for Brazilians, not an obligation,” said Julia about the risks associated with Drex.

For the congresswoman, even the United States under Donald Trump has already backed down on the idea of ​​creating its own CBDC in relation to the Dollar. In other words, Brazil may be “jumping too early into a gamble” that could lead the population to run serious risks, in the congresswoman’s view.

According to Zanata, “nobody asked the people if they want Drex, so I will file a plebiscite to raise this debate with the people.”

The congresswoman also stated that the people need to wake up, and Drex is expected to disrupt the lives of Brazilian citizens even more. She argued that the National Congress should authorize the creation of Drex, rather than something imposed by the Central Bank of Brazil.

Live de Julia Zanatta com o Livecoins no Instagram

Julia Zanatta's Live with Livecoins on Instagram/Reproduction.

Julia Zanatta talks about Bitcoin

At one point during the live broadcast, Julia Zanatta was asked about her opinion on bitcoin. In response, Julia said that she had only recently started to understand bitcoin. According to her, the technology does not allow for state surveillance or censorship in cases of persecution against people, meaning it is a more pro-freedom currency.

Studying Drex led Julia to understand that Bitcoin can be an alternative to state control, even though she currently does not believe that the technology is accessible to the majority of the population.

When asked by an internet user why she didn't use Drex, the deputy highlighted the main difference between the technologies.

“Bitcoin is freedom, and Drex is a digital currency centralized by the central bank. Is it a path to modernity, freedom for Brazilians? We do not deny the benefits of technology, but to what extent is facilitation worth the exchange of more social control for less freedom?”

For the future, Julia Zanatta declared that she intends to create a website about the dangers of Drex, file a request for a plebiscite and a PEC to prevent the end of cash.

She also asked that the population start paying attention to the issue, as atrocities may occur regarding people's individual freedoms.