Midday Analysis:

Is it really a peaceful scene; or just the calm before the storm?

This moment should be the most festive time in the United States, just like our New Year's Eve!

The dragon hovers near the 100,000 mark, not reaching the heavens, nor diving into the ocean, facing the transition of the old and new year, it seems to be waiting for the midnight bell!

We all safely passed Christmas Eve, and Christmas is proceeding gently and smoothly. Whether before sleep or upon waking, we still check the candlestick chart, looking at our steadfast targets. Is it a surprise or a shock!

There are no surprises, nor shocks; the market is as we expected yesterday, moving within a range for 14 hours; BTC's range yesterday was: 995-965, although it experienced a fluctuation of 400 dollars, it is still acceptable, and we will continue with the range adjustment!

Ethereum has been moving relatively slowly compared to BTC from yesterday to today, and the range is also tightening. The range mentioned yesterday was 3545—3435; the difference should not be significant! Today, we should continue to see fluctuations within yesterday's range.

The key time point is: tomorrow morning at 7 AM!

The market opens, and today we can still play short-term freely; tomorrow is when we need to release what we've earned these past few days, so it's better to be cautious!