
A valuable advise for beginners šŸ˜Ž

I have been in this crypto industry for more than 4 years...

and now I understood how to stay in the market profitable.

"Buy during dips and sell Top" - Everyone knows this but,

most of them don't know actually how to do it

1. Buy when market falls

Buy when coins fell more than -3% and average during each dip, because we don't know how down will the market go and and when is the trend reversal.

And take profit when you get 10 - 20% profit

For doing this you should make a "Buy" with a small certain percentage of your capital each time when you average.

Pls listen Guys don't do future trading if you don't know how to analyse and if you don't know the the market actually works.

So do spot trading.šŸ’Æ

Just follow me and you will be getting more valuable advices.

2. Do not Buy coins during market is up

Don't buy coins which it is at all time high, if you miss that look for another one


Wait for that coins market fall and follow rule no.1

3. Be Patient

Even if the market falls wait for the bull period, don't sell when market fells badly

You are doing spot so you will loose the whole money if coins value is 0

So Do spot trading.

Love you guys...ā¤ļø

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