Warren Buffett has remained true to his investment philosophy for over 60 years, although critics will always be present. Stick to your circle of competence and invest only in what you understand. (Schröder, 2008) Do not try to conform to an investment style, find your own style. Just because a technology is 'in vogue' at the moment does not mean it is promising. A strong upward trend is usually followed by a counter-movement. High expectations for new technologies or startups may not be met (Linden & Fenn, 2003).
"It is extremely difficult, especially for an inexperienced speculator, to go against the prevailing opinion and buy where colleagues, friends, the media, and experts advise selling. After all, even someone who knows this theory and wants to follow it may change their mind at the last moment under the pressure of mass psychosis." (Kostolany, 2008, p. 165).