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China Culture Media New Cultural and Creative Collections Platform, referred to as "China Culture and Media New Cultural and Creative Collections Platform", is led by the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism as the guiding unit, and the National Network Culture Standardization Technical Committee as the supporting unit. It is a collection platform hosted by Zhongchuan Yuezhong (Beijing) Cultural Development Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the group. The China Cultural Media New Cultural Creative Collection Platform adheres to the cooperation concept of "consensus, co-construction, co-governance, and sharing", uses the power of digital technology to enhance cultural communication, and uses digital collections to demonstrate artistic value. Relying on the group's new cultural and creative (IP) platform of China Culture Media, based on the traceability and confirmation of intellectual property rights, combined with blockchain technology, the digital assets generated by the traceability results are certificated, and the network cultural digital resources are provided to the digital assets. The transformation of content production methods, through the secondary creation of cultural content (IP) and the blockchain + digital presentation, not only reflects the cultural value of content creation, but also reflects the cultural value of content creation. Screenshot address: #crypto

China Culture Media New Cultural and Creative Collections Platform, referred to as "China Culture and Media New Cultural and Creative Collections Platform", is led by the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism as the guiding unit, and the National Network Culture Standardization Technical Committee as the supporting unit. It is a collection platform hosted by Zhongchuan Yuezhong (Beijing) Cultural Development Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the group.

The China Cultural Media New Cultural Creative Collection Platform adheres to the cooperation concept of "consensus, co-construction, co-governance, and sharing", uses the power of digital technology to enhance cultural communication, and uses digital collections to demonstrate artistic value. Relying on the group's new cultural and creative (IP) platform of China Culture Media, based on the traceability and confirmation of intellectual property rights, combined with blockchain technology, the digital assets generated by the traceability results are certificated, and the network cultural digital resources are provided to the digital assets. The transformation of content production methods, through the secondary creation of cultural content (IP) and the blockchain + digital presentation, not only reflects the cultural value of content creation, but also reflects the cultural value of content creation.

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【中传新文创数藏平台】时尚集团专区正式上线中国文化传媒新文创藏品平台 2023年11月17日,时尚集团在中国文化传媒新文创藏品平台开设的时尚集团专区正式上线。 中国文化传媒集团于2022年12月正式推出“文旅中国元宇宙”项目,2023年10月文旅中国元宇宙第二届生态大会召开,“文旅中国元宇宙”正式发布。 在中国文化传媒集团“文旅中国元宇宙”的整体 战略规划下,中传悦众(北京)文化发展有限公司联合时尚集团将围绕“时尚潮流艺术IP'忒PANDA'数字形象”共同打造“文旅中国元宇宙”PFP数字文化版权商品,探索一条文化内容商品的创造性转化、创新性发展之路。 时尚集团 时尚集团是中国最大的时尚媒体平台,创立于1993年,迄今为止,引领中国时尚产业30年,立足本土,从传统杂志发展成为拥有75个时尚类知识产权IP的传媒集团,行业覆盖时装、美容、家居、旅游、大健康、科技、潮流艺术品等等和消费者生活密切相关的各个领域。时尚集团内容生产和覆盖各大互联网平台,成为行业领先的翘楚以及平台竞相争抢的合作伙伴。未来,时尚集团将在大工具、大模式时代,打造全新的时尚生态体系,再创辉煌。时尚集团旗下刊物包括:《时尚COSMOPOLITAN》《时尚先生 ESQUIRE》《时尚旅游NGT》《时尚健康》《时尚家居》等。 #忒panda #Metaverse #数字资产 #数字收藏品
关于中传新文创平台数藏平台聊几句闲话 1、平台背靠文化和旅游部和中国传媒集团,以数字科技力量增强文化传播,借助区块链技术做ip确权,发行各种文物的数字藏品,响应数字中国的建设。 2、平台使用的是自己搞的联盟链,需要实名认证,绑定银行卡,手机号作为账号,有个区块链地址,没有助记词。 3、平台目前人气不足,比着国内背靠支付宝的鲸探玩家数量远远不如。不过平台慢慢在做事,后面可能会有媒体配合的宣传。 4、前几天刚举办的第二届文旅中国元宇宙生态大会,有兴趣可以看看,算是国内文旅行业的一个尝试,其中就包含平台里这些“数字资产”的流转交易。 5、平台有防炒作机制,数字藏品的每次流转都有3天的冷却期。且有持仓限制,1000份的藏品单个账户最多持仓30份;2000份的就限制60份,类推。部分藏品不受限制。寄售价格最高49999。 6、目前数字藏品每周会都发行几款,毕竟这几千年下来不少文物,现在发行的以字画为主。每款数字藏品一般限量2000-3000份,首次发售几百份,其他的放盲盒里。 7、藏品溢价问题。玩家少溢价自然就不会高。目前平台有溢价的藏品主要是一些具有“道具”属性的藏品,及一些知名度很高的文物。还有些藏品没有溢价,甚至破发。对于破发的藏品,平台会搞置换活动来销毁减少流通量。 8、目前平台最贵的是数字藏品是创世藏品“现在钥匙”,最新成交价1.6万,权益是每个月4次优先购买,流通数量仅146,是平台早期志愿者的奖励藏品。 9、平台发行的数字藏品每一款几百份几千份,只有编号不同,自然有炒编号的。后母戊鼎,目前地板价400左右,1号鼎卖了1.2万。 就先这么多了。 来宣传是想拉人来玩,毕竟现在玩家少,不过玩之前肯定要了解清楚再参与的。有问题可以留言咨询 #crypto #ETH #BTC #Binance

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