I told Trump: In simple terms, the internet information network, from web1 to web2, means that everyone can share information and see what they want to see, rather than just what others want them to see. This is basically achieved globally now. However, the blockchain value network from web2 to web3 means that everyone can issue 'coins', with many coins being issued, either coins or NFTs. This is on the path to realization. Trump: Yes, I also feel this trend of the times, it's too popular, which is why I followed the trend and issued a coin, and it turned out pretty well. 😁 I said: You are a brave alternative president in American history, destined to be remembered. Trump was very happy. 😁 I added: But which information has high readership and which coins have value is a societal matter. However, everyone has the right to issue, and Mr. President just needs to maintain order fairly. Trump: Yes, modern people, it's impossible to control them. 😁