Continuous volatile market, a pure money-making red envelope market. With such a wide range of fluctuations, it is difficult to achieve a breakthrough in a short time. This Friday's non-farm data should be a breakthrough point on the data front. Before that, it should be hard to rise or fall.

At 10 o'clock, there was such a long spike, and there was pressure above. We will continue to hold the high point at 963-968, and as long as it does not break below 957, we can continue to buy on the low.

In contrast, Ethereum is much stronger. I mentioned before that as long as it stands above 37, it will extend towards 4000 in the future. The recent pullback is just a way to gather strength. Currently, it is stable at 3800 and continues to push towards 4000.

Continue to buy Ethereum on the low: #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #下一个换谁涨? #BTC☀ #BNB创历史新高