$ETH Evening Thoughts:

The second pancake has been strong for less than three days, and it's already flooding, we can't blame the second pancake, if the first pancake collapses, what can the second pancake do? It can only follow the first pancake. The first pancake is like the chairman, who dares not to listen when the chairman speaks.


Speaking with pictures: The hourly level of the second pancake shows this M top so beautifully, extremely stunning 😁. Well done, applause for encouragement.

Why am I a bit excited about the drop? Because I can buy cheap chips again, how can I not be happy.

Look carefully at the position given in the chart, don't be careless. You have to be responsible for your own funds, carelessness is not allowed.


Chart Introduction: Heavy volume breaks below 3338, short on the right side, and if it rebounds above 3400, go light on the left side. Pay attention to distinguishing between real and false breaks, carefully observe price-volume behavior. The second pancake is not that it doesn't drop, but when it drops, it makes you feel scared. If the second pancake breaks below 3300, the first target is 3240, the second target is 3150. This is not to scare people, this is the answer given by the market. Keep your stop loss, ask if you don't understand. Meeting adjourned.



