In addition, I would like to tell you about the counterfeit goods. Since the second half of this year, we have begun to shift our attitude and shift the focus of spot goods to Heyue. To be honest, holding counterfeit spot goods for a long time is like waiting for death.
Generally, after obtaining high profits at a certain time point, path dependence and inertial thinking are formed, and the delusion is repeated all the time. No matter how much you have eaten before, you will spit it out, and the final outcome is a loss.
As long as we are in the market for one day, we cannot avoid the mentality of rushing for success, including the eight or nine digits and even ten digits that were a hot topic some time ago, all because of the continuous explosion of counterfeit goods. No one told us where we would go, so we had to survive cautiously.
High multiples + counterfeit goods are conjoined. As long as you come into contact with counterfeit goods, you will definitely open the Pandora's box of high multiples. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
This is an unsolvable situation. Neither the teacher nor the wizard can help us close Pandora's box. After all, the person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it. In the future, we will still focus on the Eta pie, and the rest depends on fate.