Why are so many people keen on cryptocurrency? The answer is simple: they are looking for the opportunity to get rich quickly.

In today's society, most people's income mainly comes from work, and many people even find it difficult to achieve the goal of earning 500 yuan a day. If calculated at this income level, a month's salary is about 15,000 yuan, and after deducting taxes and fees, you may only get more than 12,000 yuan, which is 150,000-200,000 yuan in a year.

However, in the field of cryptocurrency, it is possible to achieve rapid growth in wealth through a simple hoarding strategy. For example, someone successfully doubled his funds to 480,000 yuan in a bull market with a principal of 10,000 yuan. This is a real case that happened recently. Ethereum is a typical example. It has risen from 88 US dollars on March 12, 2020 to 4,800 US dollars in November 2021, an increase of 48 times.

Imagine that if you invest 100,000 yuan, it may become 4.8 million in a bull market. To reach this level of income, even if you don't eat or drink and earn 200,000 yuan a year, it will take 24 years to work. For a 23-year-old college graduate who joins the workforce, this means that he will have to wait until he is 47 to save so much money, and by then he may be too old to play.

In the field of cryptocurrency, wealth growth is much faster. You only need to invest a certain amount of money in the bull market and wait for more than a year to accumulate wealth. This temptation is undoubtedly huge.

Moreover, the 48-fold increase is not particularly exaggerated in the field of cryptocurrency. In the bull market of 2021, digital currencies such as Dogecoin, Shitcoin, Luna, Solana, etc., often have hundreds or even tens of thousands of times the return. This high rate of return is undoubtedly more attractive.

In addition, the cryptocurrency field also provides hundreds of times leverage contracts, making it possible for investors to make huge profits in a short period of time with very little principal. For example, someone used a principal of 1,000 yuan to make tens of millions of profits in one day. This excitement and pleasure undoubtedly attracted people's attention.

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