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Web 3.0 and Web 4.0

The World Wide Web is accelerating its pace to become an intelligent, decentralized ecosystem, as seen in the upcoming Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 campaigns. Marked by the European Commission's recent mention of Web 4.0, the race to strategic Web 4.0 success has begun.

Web 4.0 is committed to bringing the next technological transition with an open, secure, trustworthy justice and digital ecosystem for individuals and businesses in the private and public sectors. Although the scope and goals of Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 overlap from academic and industrial perspectives, there are distinct and definitive features and gaps for the next generation of the WWW. The development of the WWW reveals the entangled but consistent requirements of a clearer web experience, enhancing the human-centered experience in both social and technical aspects. Additionally, the prospect of decentralized intelligence about native AI entities for Web 4.0, envisions sustainable, autonomous, and decentralized AI services for the entire Web 4.0 environment, supporting sustainable Decentralized Physical and Software Infrastructure for Networks of Computing Forces, Semantic Networks, Virtual/ Mixed Reality, and perceived privacy-preserving content.

This review aims to reveal that Web 4.0 offers genuine intelligence with focused thinking on utilizing decentralized physical infrastructure, alongside a single requirement on decentralization, bridging the gap between the advancements of Web 4.0 and Web 3.0 with the latest blockchain-enabled computing and future-enabled network routing protocols .

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