Crypto exchange Bitget has updated its token listing criteria to include a thorough review of projects' business plans and developers' backgrounds. The new requirements, announced on Oct. 10, now demand compliance with factors like fully diluted valuation, past records, business plans, lock-up periods, and social media activity. Bitget, a major exchange based in the Seychelles, manages over $3.4 billion in user assets and $1.5 billion in daily trading volume. The evaluation process focuses on tokenomics, with special attention to token supply, distribution, and utility. Projects with short locking periods or concentrated token distributions face additional scrutiny. Bitget also considers team members' backgrounds and connections to fraud or illegal activities. The exchange aims to prevent misleading valuations and ensure long-term commitment from listed projects. Smart contract security and token distribution are also reviewed for tokens listed on other exchanges to mitigate risks. Read more AI-generated news on: