Tap-to-earn gaming has made a significant impact on the crypto gaming industry, with Telegram-based mini apps attracting millions of players. Now, a Solana-based project, Sonic SVM, has introduced a tap-to-earn game called SonicX on TikTok. Sonic SVM, a layer-2 gaming chain on Solana, plans to collaborate with content creators and run ads on TikTok to direct players to the game. Similar to Telegram mini apps, TikTok users can access webpages within the app to start earning in-game points. The game involves tapping screens to collect rings, purchasing upgrades, and inviting friends for a chance at future token rewards. Sonic SVM aims to tap into TikTok's vast user base and create a seamless gaming experience. With every tap recorded on-chain, SonicX serves as a showcase for Sonic SVM's scalability potential. Read more AI-generated news on: https://app.chaingpt.org/news