A-shares and the cryptocurrency market, which market has more people losing money?

The profit and loss ratio of any market is similar

Whether it is A-shares, Hong Kong stocks, foreign exchange, cryptocurrency, or US stocks, the comprehensive ratio is 1 profit, 2 draws, and 7 losses

Although the US stock market has been rising, it only represents a small number of people making money, because many people have been shorting all the way, and Bitcoin has also risen many times in the past two years. You only look at the price and think that everyone has made money, but it is not the case. Many people continue to short, or ultra-short-term high-frequency trading, and eventually lose everything

Making money refers more to those who have been holding spot, rather than playing contracts

But from the perspective of opportunity, the cryptocurrency market is still the place where ordinary people have the most opportunities. Even if you only have 50 US dollars, you have the opportunity to make 1 million in a month if the time, place, and people are right. But if you use 50 US dollars to speculate in stocks, you don’t even have the qualifications to get started. No matter what stocks you buy, the profit is very limited.

I often post some information about rolling positions in cryptocurrency contracts to tell everyone that this thing is to win big with a small investment, not to win small with a big investment. When you understand the rules and mechanisms of the game very well, plus a little bit of luck, you will get through it smoothly.

If you don’t understand some techniques, don’t understand the rules of the game, and your luck is not very good, then no matter how much money you put in, you will lose it all in the end.

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