One month later, Binance Futures has another ultra-high fee contract transaction

$REEF I believe many people don’t understand the logic here.

It’s actually very simple. Now the REEF fee is about -2.5%. As long as you open a short order, you will be charged a funding rate of about 10-30% of the order principal every 4 hours. On the contrary, long orders will be rewarded with corresponding funding rates. This gameplay is a new gameplay created by DWF. By using the liquidity in the short pool, the contract market cannot buy deliverable orders, forcing prices to continue to rise. Now it has become a professional trading method for harvesting short orders, also known as a forced short market. The more shorts, the higher the price, and the higher the price, the more shorts. Another is to go sideways just to earn funding rates.

#大A香还是大饼香 #加密市场急跌 #非农就业数据即将公布