Why do most people go bankrupt when playing contracts, but only when playing spot trading can they get rich? It's very simple, the tolerance rate.

Playing contracts will give you the illusion that you can get rich quickly in any market fluctuations.

It's not that you are not strong enough, but that no one can win in the long run with such a low tolerance rate.

Unless you strictly abide by the discipline and do not pursue speed or getting rich quickly, you can make a profit in the contract. Are you?

However, since you strictly abide by the discipline and do not pursue speed or getting rich quickly, it is highly likely that this person will not enter the currency circle.

The difficulty of contracts is not to make tens of millions or to multiply 100 times. The difficulty is that in the long run, with such a low tolerance rate, the probability of zero is extremely high.

I don't want to bear the cause and effect of others, but I just see that many people have indeed had their contracts blown up or even in debt recently, so I'll talk about it this time.

No one can defeat objective laws by relying on desire, skills, and will.

If you are stuck playing spot trading, if it is a high-leverage contract, you have been blown up 10 times.

Focus one; follow me and communicate to get more wealth advice.

Key point 2: When you pay attention, read more. There are some things that BN cannot say. Read more and you will understand what I am saying.

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